Me said:(Pardon if this is the wrong section, I was unsure where to put this.)
First of all, this is my first post in these forums so, hai.
Anyways, I've recently begun work on an attempt to create a platforming game, completely from scratch. I pondered what the theme should be for awhile, before finally deciding to base it on my favorite anime, PPGZ (ZOMG).
After some work, I'd say I finally have the very basics working, and I thought I'd share it with the biggest/only PPGZ community I know of.
So here's a VEEEEEERY early demo.
As you may guess by the placeholder sprites (The only sprites I happened to have laying around my harddrive with enough poses) this is far from complete. However don't be fooled by the limited gameplay of the demo, the engine is in place. There can be an infinite number of those platforms, and I'm free to add whatever effects to the player. It dosen't seem very PPGZ-esque right now, but it's very premature.
In case anyone cares, this was created in the C programming language, using the SDL libraries, and Dev-C++ as a compiler.
Now, for the real reason I'm posting this here: I suck at spriting, and need help in that department. I was hoping someone would be willing to help with the graphics part of the game. And, perhaps music, should I decide to include it. I'm really good for very little more than programming, and occasionally storywriting (Though I prefer to stay away from fanfiction, hence the breifness of this game's story)
So, anyone who cares, please say so. And if I posted in the wrong forum, the mods are capable of moving it I do believe.
Now that I've quoted myself, alot of this obviously dosen't apply here.
I know this is the right forum, and this is NOT the biggest/only PPGZ community I know of. Although my offer still stands if anyone here wants to help out/do all themselves with the spriting.