It's been a long time since I came here. Spazzo actually PMed me on another forum about this place, I was a bit upset to hear that it wasn't fairing very well as far as mappers go and planned on fixing that soon enough; that time never came unfortunately.
I come back now after so long and see much has changed. Sonict is admin. Dark Warrior is not staff. (Yes, this shocks me.) There was a huge meeting of admins. SRB2 1.1 is being talked about. And the whole n00b problem appears to be very ambiguous now to people who just base it at first glance.
As for me, well, back on the forum I mentioned previously, I became a moderator and a beta tester for Super Mario War. Can't say I saw it coming, I was hoping I'd get that kind of status here a few months before I left this place. Then again, judging from the way I moderate the previously said forum, I might actually be a bit more hardcore at it then Mystic. Only a bit though.
But man, the staff there can be so lax at times, it's like they're not even paying attention to the forum most of the time. Very unlike this place, where the staff is constantly fighting to keep the forum up on it's feet. I wanted to be like that, I looked up to the staff here and viewed many of the people that were admins/moderators as mentors of sorts. Mystic, Shadow Hog, FuriousFox, SSNTails, Arrow...but maybe I'm getting too much into that. This isn't why I made the thread. >>;
By the way, one last note on that other forum, for what it lacks in the n00bs you guys have/had, it certainly makes up for in 4channer-like trolls. Be thankful you guys don't have that; at least n00bs aren't smart enough to know how to fight back, and hard.
Anyways, I guess I should update a bit before I continue. No, I haven't made any progress on Chaotic Darkness, probably won't for another few months. (For the 5 people who care) The SRB2FFH has been in need of updating for a long, long, long time. I was hoping this one friend of mine would hurry and finish his coding for another site so I could use the base of that for a new FFH here. They're only just now finishing; however I have been talking to cueball about another alternative that he (I think) said he could code. Personally, I'm not sure if I could take the time to use that other base to code a new FFH right now anyways, so I am going to see what cueball can offer this forum and see which path looks best.
Not much has happened, I got obsessed with a game series called Touhou recently, but really that's the extent of it. That's a bit personal anyways, not like you need to know. <<;
So onto the main question that's on my mind; what's happened in the past few months? What led to the decision of admining Sonict? Are there any other new moderators/admins? Is the SRB2 wiki still running smoothly? Where did all the talk of 1.1 arise from? (Was it leaked, is it purely speculation, was it just revealed casually, etc) Was there any worth while mods/levels posted for SRB2 recently? Are the contests really suffering badly like Spazzo told me?
I have more questions but they're purely editing questions that I will save for later. I was also gonna ask about FF's dedicated server but I'm sure if I look around I can find info on that.
Also, I'm not sure if I'll be staying for a nice while, depends on how the next few days go.
With everything said and done, it's nice to see you all still good and well. Some of you I still consider friends. (Or at least, acquaintances)
I come back now after so long and see much has changed. Sonict is admin. Dark Warrior is not staff. (Yes, this shocks me.) There was a huge meeting of admins. SRB2 1.1 is being talked about. And the whole n00b problem appears to be very ambiguous now to people who just base it at first glance.
As for me, well, back on the forum I mentioned previously, I became a moderator and a beta tester for Super Mario War. Can't say I saw it coming, I was hoping I'd get that kind of status here a few months before I left this place. Then again, judging from the way I moderate the previously said forum, I might actually be a bit more hardcore at it then Mystic. Only a bit though.
But man, the staff there can be so lax at times, it's like they're not even paying attention to the forum most of the time. Very unlike this place, where the staff is constantly fighting to keep the forum up on it's feet. I wanted to be like that, I looked up to the staff here and viewed many of the people that were admins/moderators as mentors of sorts. Mystic, Shadow Hog, FuriousFox, SSNTails, Arrow...but maybe I'm getting too much into that. This isn't why I made the thread. >>;
By the way, one last note on that other forum, for what it lacks in the n00bs you guys have/had, it certainly makes up for in 4channer-like trolls. Be thankful you guys don't have that; at least n00bs aren't smart enough to know how to fight back, and hard.
Anyways, I guess I should update a bit before I continue. No, I haven't made any progress on Chaotic Darkness, probably won't for another few months. (For the 5 people who care) The SRB2FFH has been in need of updating for a long, long, long time. I was hoping this one friend of mine would hurry and finish his coding for another site so I could use the base of that for a new FFH here. They're only just now finishing; however I have been talking to cueball about another alternative that he (I think) said he could code. Personally, I'm not sure if I could take the time to use that other base to code a new FFH right now anyways, so I am going to see what cueball can offer this forum and see which path looks best.
Not much has happened, I got obsessed with a game series called Touhou recently, but really that's the extent of it. That's a bit personal anyways, not like you need to know. <<;
So onto the main question that's on my mind; what's happened in the past few months? What led to the decision of admining Sonict? Are there any other new moderators/admins? Is the SRB2 wiki still running smoothly? Where did all the talk of 1.1 arise from? (Was it leaked, is it purely speculation, was it just revealed casually, etc) Was there any worth while mods/levels posted for SRB2 recently? Are the contests really suffering badly like Spazzo told me?
I have more questions but they're purely editing questions that I will save for later. I was also gonna ask about FF's dedicated server but I'm sure if I look around I can find info on that.
Also, I'm not sure if I'll be staying for a nice while, depends on how the next few days go.
With everything said and done, it's nice to see you all still good and well. Some of you I still consider friends. (Or at least, acquaintances)