2 things on Sonic Adventure DX PC

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1-Once, on the Lost World, on the part with the snake, I took the left way: I climbed up those "stairs" and instead of pressing the button, I went down, like I allways do. Then, I don't know what I did, but the green switch was pressed! Has this ever ocorred to you?
2-I already completed the game as Sonic. And now, while trying to start a mission, that was on the Egg Carrier, it told me to find flying aircrafts or something (mission 36) and that is when I realized:
Where is the entrance to the Sky Deck?
I know where it is on Sonic's story, after completing the Sky Chase act 2, but I don't know where it is afterwords! I also know how to put the ship in the "seperate bridge" mode. But I can't get to the bridge.
2: When the ship is "transformed," go inside the room that you enter using the yellow platform(has the EGGMAN puzzle to Chao Garden), and look near the center of the room. You should see two buttons infront of a hologram, stand on it, and a monorail train will appear, then get in it. You'll be at the area with the Sky Deck entrance.
That Sky Deck one confused me for a little while too, as I was expecting to see the same animation that it did in the story. It was also kinda annoying, as Sky Deck is my favorite SADX level. As for Lost World, I believe I've seen somewhere that that door is fake and can just be walked through. But, you kinda need to go through all the work to move the snake up that high anyway, so not really a time saver.
sonicfreak94 said:
Yes, It is posible to play 2p on SADXPC, but you would need to PC contorllers.
What kind of foolish nonsense are you babbling?
I hate PC controllers, they break too easily.

I have PS2 controllers with the adapter tingy, simply order a "PS2(or your favourate system) to USB adapter" at the source or some other electronics store.

If they have them where I Live, they have them where YOU live.
PC controllers have never really broken for me. If anything, they've suffered from bad design. My first and second gamepads, the Gravis Gamepad and Gravis Gamepad Pro, had too much diagonal sensitivity on the D-pad. My current gamepad, a Logitech WingMan Cordless, is nice, but a bit too big for use by younger gamers, and the square shape of the analog movement area is just awkward. I still love my WingMan though. However, for the stupidest reason ever, Logitech has stopped selling it, even though it's leagues ahead of all the ones they are currently selling. For starters, the new ones don't even have six fire-buttons clustered on the right side, just four (A, B, C, X, Y, Z on the old one, and on the new models, C, Z are missing). Which means you can pretty much say goodbye to decent N64 or Genesis emulation.
FoxBlitzz said:
PC controllers have never really broken for me. If anything, they've suffered from bad design. My first and second gamepads, the Gravis Gamepad and Gravis Gamepad Pro, had too much diagonal sensitivity on the D-pad. My current gamepad, a Logitech WingMan Cordless, is nice, but a bit too big for use by younger gamers, and the square shape of the analog movement area is just awkward. I still love my WingMan though. However, for the stupidest reason ever, Logitech has stopped selling it, even though it's leagues ahead of all the ones they are currently selling. For starters, the new ones don't even have six fire-buttons clustered on the right side, just four (A, B, C, X, Y, Z on the old one, and on the new models, C, Z are missing). Which means you can pretty much say goodbye to decent N64 or Genesis emulation.
Hey, the WingMan? I saw that at BestBuy when I was getting my new computer... cept it was opened and apparently broken. It was the one I wanted, but I had to get an AirFlo instead because (ofcourse) they weren't selling anymore.
Black Zero said:
I have PS2 controllers with the adapter tingy, simply order a "PS2(or your favourate system) to USB adapter" at the source or some other electronics store.

Thats what I do, I got a steering wheel for my PS2, and the adapter came with it. Only $15. I have a wireless PS2 controller that I use with it.
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