2.0 pallete with SlumpEd

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Sonic Team Junior
I've been trying to figure out how to make my custom taxtures and flats use the new pallete but I have no idea how! And when I press convert to doom gfx it turns black and white.
You need to set the IWAD to srb2.srb. If SlumpED doesn't like the .srb extension, then you can try copying it to some folder and rename it srb2.wad. I do that anyway just in case something corrupts my IWAD.
Thanks for the help it works fine.

EDIT: I thought it was working but whenever I run a map using those flats/textures I get a sigsev. Here is a link to the wad that also has a small room that uses the custom flats and textures. http://www.mediafire.com/?nni4uzfyvon I went into options and set the IWAD to srb2.srb and I also tried srb2.wad before that. But still the images dont seem to chenge to the pallete when I convert them to doom gfx.
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