1.09.3 Bug Reports

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What part of 'RETIRED' don't you understand?
Retired Staff
You know the drill.

If you are getting an error message, write down exactly what it says. Otherwise I'm not able to find it and where it's coming from.

Please visit the announcement thread ( http://www.sepwich.com/ssntails/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2926 ) for EXE updates as well as a list of some things to test/check. Thanks!

Bolded reports mean that the bug has been fixed.

If your bug report was deleted, that means it should be FIXED in the newest available EXE from the announcements thread. Go and check to make sure it's fixed.

Stuff "Not Being Fixed":

If you're in negative gravity, you don't fall up until you jump or walk off the edge of a cliff. The stupid game doesn't check for gravity when you are on the ground

Sometimes, some servers that are listed at srb2.servegame.org don't show up when playing SRB2, and if you try to join them via IP, it never joins. They do show up in LISTSERV though.

Sprites/Coronas/Masked Walls/Translucent FOFs all need to be sorted at the same time in OpenGL.
In the SOC editor, while making cutscenes, it puts:


Above every scene I make, which messes it up for when it tries to read it in the SOC editor.
The "Earth+Moon" and Zim sky backgrounds are screwed up in Opengl.



SSN Note: Vertical sizing/positioning fixed, but horizontal remains a problem.
If you use devmode to change skin in-game to a skin with hires = 1 and then change to an unknown skin, you become a mini sonic (the normal sonic skin with hires = 1 active)
If you jump while pushing against a crusher, if your about to land around when its started to raise up again, you'll be killed(can't get a pic, as it happens to fast for me to hit "\").

Example: Go to THZ2, then go to the slower moving crushers, then try to jump just as its about to crush down, then when its crushing down, push your self against the falling side of it. When it hits the ground, and it starts to raise up, you'll have landed by the time it started raising, then you'll be "crushed".

EDIT: This can be annoying for those who are rushing though levels in race. And no, it was not like this in the classics.

SSN Edit: Ever try cramming yourself into the rising ceiling in Hill Top Zone?? ;)

FLB Edit: That doesn't mean it should be in SRB2 though. SRB2 doesn't have to have the bad/glitchy stuff from the classics.
You can't playback demos that use a different gametype other then Single player as SRB2 doesn't change the gametype when the demo needs to be played in that type for it to work. (Example: Mystic's demos for his bug reporting)
There's a problem with monitors on "Floating/Bobbing FOFs." It seems when you have two people, with one standing on the monitor and the other standing on the FOF but away from the monitor, when the person on the outside jumps, the person on the monitor bobbs down and dies. Some strange things also happen that I haven't figured out why. Sometimes the FOF's vertical mass shrinks (making the FOF thinner). Also, sometimes the monitor is sent to the ground underneath the FOF.
Sabre found this, so its the "Sabre Bug".
In Silver Cascade fly on top of the TV in the middle of the level as Tails, and have someone jump on the black box so it bobs up and down.
Now, if hes standing at the right place on the TV, he'll "Fall Into a Bottomless Pit" because he was pushed under the TV and the TV will fall on him. Boom, crush.
But if hes standing at the right place he wont die and the box will get a bit smaller. If the guy keeps jumping the box will get so thin the tv will fall through and land in the middle of the pit underwater.
We had a great time doing this bug.....oh Sabres gonna kill me....

SSN Edit: Duplicate of FOF bug on previous post.
If you die while holding a button (Like say jump), when you respawn in single player, the game continues to think you're holding that button down until you press it again. For example, if you die while strafing left, when you respawn you'll continue strafing left until you press the button again, even if you're not holding the button down. I've only tested this with joypads and on stages with NORELOAD in the headers.
Update on the color crashing bug. I managed to do this while swallowing an air bubble while changing colors, and it happens while other players are doing similar actions like flying too. The exact error I got was:

consoleplayer color recieved as 15, cv_playercolor.value is 6

This can change depending on the colors used of course.

EDIT: The colors I used was going from yellow to red. (I think)
somehow, when you are going up a flight of stairs, and you thok onto those stairs as sonic, Sometimes you will be in your ball form and still be going up the stairs, until you stop moving
- In OpenGL, sprites aren't shadowed and darkened by the loss of brightness under FOFs and in light blocks.

- Sometimes when you join a server, instead of using the parameters given to SRB2 when you start, you sometimes take on the form of the host instead. (i.e. If you're trying to be a red Tails, you might become the host's character, a yellow Sonic, instead.)

- If at any time the player is totally invincible (Either from using god, once the level is completed or you're a spectator in CTF), if the player is attempted to be crushed by a floating platform, the platform will shrink in height until it is paper thin.

- Certain coronas override certain effects, even if they are on top of them. (Try this is MR: Go to Inner Sanctum Zone in OpenGL, walk right up to the Master Emerald, then charge a spindash until it's fully charged and unleash it at the emerald. If done correctly, you should be at a standstill spinning in place in the emerald, and the light from it will be over top the spinning trail. This also brings up the bug that you should lose speed when you're colliding with a very solid thing.)
I start up MR4.4(revision 2) with the bat(software), skip past the intro, load up my save game in MRZ(from previous revision), and then this happens:


In OpenGL, a corona will glow on the walls of a translucent FOF, yet it won't glow on the floor/ceiling of one.
SSN asked me to attach this to bug #117, but having neither an account nor any immediate means of obtaining one, I'd be grateful if you could please add this as a comment to #117 when you next propagate posts from this thread to the tracker, Alam. Thanks!

With reference to the statement:

serverlist[i].info = *info;
info is actually within doomcom->data, which is considerably smaller than serverlist.info. This is consistent with the crash some way into a rep movsd instruction.

EDIT: Profuse apologies for the quadruple post. I checked the thread eaach time before reposting, and while I showed as the most recent poster, the content didn't... until the fourth time, when they *all* appeared. Admin action would be appreciated; thank you.
If a remote admin adds a file that the host does not have, the host will get this error message:

CV_Set: splitscreen no string set!
The new red and blue sideways eggman flags do not appear if you are underwater.
Try it in Sonic into Dreams, at the large pond.
This glitch is OGL only.
In openGL mode, if you are using a model for the player, the model will not turn transparent when up against a wall while looking away from it(though the model does become considerably darker)
Models are not affected by colormaps.

Rain does not appear everywhere in openGL, and those few areas that it does appear in the rain is very sparse(like, 3 points where drops land).

Setting off "modified game" while a wad is loaded that uses a different gamedata switches the secrets menu back to the normal SRB2 unlockables.

SSN Edit: Intentional. Cheats turn off custom gamedata.

Prime 2.0 Edit: And so does devmode and other testing utilities D:
Open Gl looks REAL SCREWED UP in high places while dropping from them , or moving at all for that matter (I see flickering parts of the sky! IN THE GROUND!)
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