group: pepsi

  1. Maril


    Maril submitted a new resource: Pepsi - PEPSIMAAAAAAAAAAAAN Read more about this resource...
  2. Lost & Found

    Pepsi v0.7

    PEPSI, PEPSI, PEPSIMAAAAAN!! (It adds Pepsi to SRB2. Yes, that is all. Go collect the cans.) (It should also work in netgames.)
  3. Unlimited Trees

    Pepsiman - The Running Hero

    The Running Hero, Pepsiman himself, runs his away into SRB2Kart to quench the world's thirst. Since he runs on foot, he's faster than anyone else, but is also very lightweight. Download If you're wondering why I even bothered with this despite the fact that I'm done with fangaming, I made this...
  4. Unlimited Trees

    [Character] Pepsiman - The Running Hero

    The Running Hero, Pepsiman himself, runs his away into SRB2Kart to quench the world's thirst. Since he runs on foot, he's faster than anyone else, but is also very lightweight. Download If you're wondering why I even bothered with this despite the fact that I'm done with fangaming, I made this...