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    • Maril replied to the thread mega specki.
      this... isn't metroid at all LOL that's not how metroid handles item/ability obtainment
    • Maril replied to the thread mega specki.
      i just made peak (spoilers) or well, wip peak 1718877943 also yes the gif ends right after the spring
      • srb25482.gif
    • Maril replied to the thread mega specki.
      if anything, this is kinda devlog, i MIGHT release public betas every now and then but i am not sure
    • Maril replied to the thread mega specki.
      new project of mine
    • Maril replied to the thread mega specki.
      dashing you find the capsule for it in FHZ, and you use it by pressing spin on the ground it doesn't let you through spingaps, but it's...
      • srb25456.gif
      • srb25460.gif
    • mega specki mega specki is a new (very early wip) project that'll change the srb2 campaign into a more mega man-influenced one tackle...
      • srb25420.gif
      • srb25422.gif
      • srb25425.gif
      • srb25435.gif
      • srb25436.gif
      • srb25438.gif
      • srb25441.gif
    • 5.00 star(s) Perfect! This lives up to what I posted years ago, and even goes so far to add purple coins, and the speedrun timer. You've surpassed...
    • Maril reacted to Almulescent's post in the thread speckichars with Cool! Cool!.
    • Maril reacted to exetendo's post in the thread speckichars with Cool! Cool!.
      Oh yeah about that um im on mobile and the flying does not work
    • Maril reacted to Almulescent's post in the thread speckichars with Cool! Cool!.
      when specki undertale trick sprite
    • Maril replied to the thread speckichars.
      Could you be more specific? An image of the pose you want could help. 1714764812 If it doesn't work on mobile, that's not my problem...
    • Maril replied to the thread speckichars.
      Press jump in the air to start flying, then you can hold jump to keep going up, or hold spin to go down, holding both at the same time...
    • Maril replied to the thread speckichars.
      Maril updated speckichars with a new update entry: v1.2 (wip achievements, and specki bounce sh'tick) Read the rest of this update...
    • +Fixed Specki's bounce for good hopefully, it also doubles as a stomp if you don't hold spin. +I think I did something with Maril, I...
    • He should've took my advice.
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