Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

No thanks, we don't need their opinion. Also apologies are meaningless these days...

While I don't have any stake in any of this Mystic business even though I tend to peek back in this thread periodically to see what people had to say about him, after reading this reply, I need to say this: That is a very toxic mindset to have.

If somebody is actively seeking to give an apology, they should be allowed to do so. Apologies are not meaningless; People should always be given the chance to reconcile. Let those around them determine if their penitence is genuine or not; you don't have to forgive people, but you should let them have a chance to say something. People cannot grow if nobody listens to eachother anymore.

I'm not saying whether or not I think this Mystic guy will ever actually come back with his proverbial tail between his legs asking for forgiveness. I'm just saying that, if he does, someone should give him the chance to at least try to appeal.
While I don't have any stake in any of this Mystic business even though I tend to peek back in this thread periodically to see what people had to say about him, after reading this reply, I need to say this: That is a very toxic mindset to have.

If somebody is actively seeking to give an apology, they should be allowed to do so. Apologies are not meaningless; People should always be given the chance to reconcile. Let those around them determine if their penitence is genuine or not; you don't have to forgive people, but you should let them have a chance to say something. People cannot grow if nobody listens to eachother anymore.

I'm not saying whether or not I think this Mystic guy will ever actually come back with his proverbial tail between his legs asking for forgiveness. I'm just saying that, if he does, someone should give him the chance to at least try to appeal.

Pretty much. I have some pretty negative experiences with him just as others have, but you never know what's going on in someone's head. Maybe he realized that what he did was wrong, and why it was wrong. If he were to desire to express his remorse over the situation, who are we to refuse him the right to speak? It's not like we have to allow him back into the community over it, just give him the chance to somewhat make things right so he can move on in a more positive way.

The same goes for anyone else. If someone wants to apologize, they should have the right to speak. Even if only through contacting someone else to convey the message in their stead.
No thanks, we don't need their opinion. Also apologies are meaningless these days...

On the contrary, this whole situation revolved around them. I think their perspective would be really valuable. What were they thinking, will they accept or try to justify their actions, are they remorseful? I don't think they can convince anyone they were in the right at this point so it's not about winning anyone over, just hearing their side of the story would be helpful.
I've got some great news for you:

Well dang, I was not expecting to see something like this.

I have been lurking on this community without really interacting with it for a long time. I discovered it when I was very young. Too young, in fact. I checked my old post archives, my first post was in 2007. 11 years ago. I'm 24 now. You can do the math. I've occasionally poked my head in since, made like one attempt to re-connect in 2016, but I've mostly been avoiding direct interaction, for a variety of reasons.

I definitely remember Mystic, though. I always felt like he had this air of smug superiority about him, and whether that feeling was justified or not, I definitely didn't like him because of it. He also always seemed to demand constant professionalism, but in a really unprofessional way, if that makes sense? He'd demand perfect English and claim to demand manners and respect, but the moment someone slipped he'd drop all pretense to mock them for it. Like, dude, you're on the dev team for a Sonic fan game. Sonic, a franchise primarily aimed at children. Lighten up a bit.

I also kind of remember the overhauled submission system being attributed to him? I'm not sure how accurate that is, I was kinda zoning out by then, but I remember feeling like the entire wad making community kinda dwindled down to almost nothing after 1.09.4, crushed by maybe a little too much "quality control", and with it went a lot of my interest in the forums.

Again, I'm not sure how much of this is accurate and how much of it's the twisted perception of a dumb angsty 11 year old, but my point is that Mystic was very much the face of the moderation team to me, and it wasn't a very friendly face. I ended up attributing his behavior to the rest of the team, and it kinda led to me being too intimidated to stay engaged with the community. I'm not sad to see him gone.

As for the quality of the game itself, I think freaking out that it's going to suck because all the old devs are gone is a bit hasty. It's not like everyone all left and got replaced at once. And this game has been in development for a long, long time. The first release to use the DOOM engine came out when I was 3 years old. The original Sonic Adventure is only a year older than it. And that's just counting its life on the DOOM engine. I can't imagine maintaining your motivation to work on a project for that long, and a lack of motivation is never good for quality. For what it's worth, the newest release is definitely the best yet. I think some new blood is a good thing.

ps. I hate that my username is still name, with no capitalization. I don't know if it's even possible to change that, but I figured I should use my old account for authenticity's sake.
While I don't have any stake in any of this Mystic business even though I tend to peek back in this thread periodically to see what people had to say about him, after reading this reply, I need to say this: That is a very toxic mindset to have.
So the bad guy here isn't Mystic but me? That's rich.

Do you know how it actually feels to get back-stabbed by a friend? Forgiveness is harder to do nowadays.

I'm also voting for him to get permanently IP-banned from anything related to SRB2.
So the bad guy here isn't Mystic but me? That's rich.

Do you know how it actually feels to get back-stabbed by a friend? Forgiveness is harder to do nowadays.

I'm also voting for him to get permanently IP-banned from anything related to SRB2.

Jumping in for the first time in this thread (I think?) to quickly mention that jumping to assuming such a statement is directly claiming you are a bad guy, is only going to increase that thought of 'toxic behavior'. They weren't calling you a bad guy, and everyone here is in agreement Mystic was an issue.

They were telling you that your approach to this, is rather harsh and cold, unforgiving. Forgiveness may be harder to do, but what you are claiming is removing any possibility of it even being attempted. Apologies mean a lot, and I can understand this may be difficult to imagine if you experienced what you described. Having experienced it myself multiple times, I understand it, I truly do. But forcing someone so far away that they cannot even say their side of the story, is akin to a currently horrible method of 'justice' that is spread around nowadays. I will not go too deep into it, but there's a reason why both sides of the story are equally important to at least hear out.

To make someone unable to say their side of an issue is to remove information. The reason we WANT the information is so we can make a fully informed decision, not so we can forgive them and move on. You are claiming that the best method to handle this, is to remove them entirely from everything related to this fangame. This is the toxic behavior that gets so many people wrongly insulted or hurt, and while the anger is justified, and I fully agree Mystic deserves the ire of everyone here, myself included, this is, in fact, 'toxic behavior'.

Long story short, Mystic is the bad guy still, nobody's calling you the bad guy. Your method of handling this, however, is a dangerous view to have, as it also eliminates all possibility of new information coming to light from the accused themselves, which can easily backfire in so many scenarios. Do not mute the accused and make them unable to defend themselves, let them speak their final words should they choose to, so that they may be judged with the entire story, rather than simply one side.

Nobody here can truly forgive Mystic, but Mystic still deserves to have his point of view explained, should he so desire.
ps. I hate that my username is still name, with no capitalization. I don't know if it's even possible to change that, but I figured I should use my old account for authenticity's sake.

If you like I can change your username for you. =)

I'm also voting for him to get permanently IP-banned from anything related to SRB2.

This would be excessive force. We tend to use IP bans only for people who ban evade repeatedly. (Quite frankly I don't think Mystic has any intention of coming back anyway, so it will probably never be necessary to ban his IP.)

In any case a lot of what you are saying otherwise comes across as you trying to sound tough and unforgiving. If I'm being honest this does sound a bit like how Mystic operated, especially given what people have already said about him in this thread. Personally I would prefer to be better than that.
So the bad guy here isn't Mystic but me? That's rich.

That would imply that there even is a "bad guy". This is real life, things aren't so one dimensional. People are complex, situations equally complex. Mystic may have done some things he shouldn't have, but he's still a human being; He is as such capable of learning, growing, regretting. Whether he actually does is up to him. To paint the situation as simply one of "good people" and "bad people" is a rather ignorant and arrogant approach to take, and one bound to create unnecessary drama. Nobody is perfect, don't act like you are better than others just because your flaws are less well known than theirs.
So the bad guy here isn't Mystic but me? That's rich.

Do you know how it actually feels to get back-stabbed by a friend? Forgiveness is harder to do nowadays.

I'm also voting for him to get permanently IP-banned from anything related to SRB2.
Uh... what? I really don't understand this whole attitude of smug superiority you've been displaying in this thread. Mystic's removal from SRB2 means no more of his aggressive elitism, and all you're doing by making these posts is carrying his torch.
So the bad guy here isn't Mystic but me? That's rich.

Do you know how it actually feels to get back-stabbed by a friend?

I'm sorry to harp on this subject but this is so funny it almost reads like one of those emo teenager diaries lol, word of advice: do not post in this thread if you don't have anything significant to contribute, you're just making yourself look like a joke.

Forgiveness is harder to do nowadays.

You don't have to, you just have to forget about it and move on. It's called "growing up"
So the bad guy here isn't Mystic but me? That's rich.

Do you know how it actually feels to get back-stabbed by a friend? Forgiveness is harder to do nowadays.

I'm also voting for him to get permanently IP-banned from anything related to SRB2.

Hey! Is everything okay with you? You've been told to stop this kind of behavior already, but you keep kicking the dead horse on this thread like your life depends on it being alive, and on top of that foaming at the mouth like Mystic is your sworn enemy? You're not even affected by anything he did directly for all this rage! What gives?

As for everyone else, please don't fall in the rabbit hole of whatever this is. It's not worth derailing the thread for.
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During Mystic's removal about his past abuse, I thought can come back again. I know a lot of people been through a lot where I have, are able to finally discuss about the past of Mystic.

My problem with him is very short. So I will explain my perceptions of him. When I became a member at 11 years old, after the help from Logan A, I posted one of my replies about Mystic Realm. I really loved that project. I thought it was amazing until couple minutes later, a warning has arrived with an infraction.

"Please fix your grammar."

I don't understand why he did it any way so I stayed off the forums for a bit.

The next week I came back on the forums, I was posting a topic on the SRB2 discussion. It was unrelated. It was about star wars vs something else? Again, Logan A helped moved my topic to a general discussion so I make sure I don't get another infraction. But again, my grammar was too atrocious. I was a bit developed and I was trying to learn as much as I can to not bring confusion to the community. After 6 replies posted, Mystic showed up and straight up flamed me. He said my grammar is too shitty compared to others and ended up locking my topic with a temp ban.

Then over a month I came back. The banned was removed and yet I hesitated to post anything on the forum. So I thought about making a map called dead zone. My map was NOT 100% done, full of bugs and I barely got a hang with the Doom engine because I couldn't get Sonic in the water. So what I did (that was a Mistake) I published it in public. It got made fun of. Some people liked it. Some people called it boring. Then after that I got perma-banned.

This is not what I expected. I also tried to talked to Mystic on Mibbit and YES I had flamed him back then he banned me again. Arf was there, he told Mystic to unban me right before I exit the website but it pulls me back into the #SRB2fun chat.

Instead of flaming him again, I stayed humbled. I asked him why he keeps banning everyone he doesn't like. He began to mock me based on the way how I typed, talked shit about my project then bans me again.

I suffered from that. I really do but I got over it. It has been a long time and I wish I shouldn't ever argue/throw pissed bottles at him. I always asked myself, if it is unsafe for me to post, don't post. I have learned much more when I was here. Typically I always want him to lose power. Certainly it isn't the right way to think about. But happier enough that kids nowadays don't have to go through all of this again like FNAF.

Anyway, if I am not allowed back due to Mystic's bans. Then I am sorry. Now I have the motives to speak about my horrifying past about him, I will no longer carry those memories anymore and forget about it.

I hope your community grows; positively, and gratefully. May our hearts laid to rest with Sonic Robo Blast 2 fan-made project! to be continued.

Jesus Christ...
"you dont speak english get out of my game"
If you moderate a game and a message board, try being a bit serious and less childish.
If you like I can change your username for you. =)
(I hope that quote works, it's been a long time since I've messed with this forum system.)

Problem is I'm really bad at coming up with good usernames, so I've been using the same name I came up with as a kid for years. "Terios2000". It's really cringe, especially here where people would probably recognize its origins, but it's better than just...going by my name, with no caps, so it'll do.

Anyway, I decided to take a long read through this entire thread, and boy has it been a ride. It's downright surreal scrolling through here and seeing all these people post and being like "Holy crap, I recognize that name!", either because they've somehow stuck around through all these years or because they're in the same boat as me, having avoided this community for a long time, just now speaking up in light of the news. Makes me wonder how many other people I'd recognize are still around, just under different names.

What's really surreal, though, is hearing about all of the big names from back in the day and just how shitty they were. Mystic I knew was bad, Rob I barely remember. But I think I was still around when the Spazzo drama happened, but I was too young to really know or care what was going on. I think I remember Mystic going around saying that Spazzo just ragequit the community out of the blue, and I just went with that. But JTE was basically "The Guy" back in the day. He wasn't really staff, as far as I know, but he was basically on the level of a community celebrity, so hearing the kind of stuff he was up to was a real shock. It does put the only time I ever interacted with him into new context though. It was in a netgame (so in hindsight, it might not have even been him) but I remember him coming off as really weirdly flirty? It kind of made me uncomfortable, but I kinda just passed it off as just being how he talked at the time.

While it's good to vent out your frustrations here, I don't think outright vilification of the former staff (Actual sex offenders notwithstanding) is appropriate. I think they've been punished enough. I can't imagine working on one thing for so long and then being ousted from it, likely by people who mostly haven't even been on-board as long as you have. It must hurt like hell. Their punishments are purely a result of their actions and are entirely their fault, but that doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them.
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What's really surreal, though, is hearing about all of the big names from back in the day and just how shitty they were. Mystic I knew was bad, Rob I barely remember. But I think I was still around when the Spazzo drama happened, but I was too young to really know or care what was going on. I think I remember Mystic going around saying that Spazzo just ragequit the community out of the blue, and I just went with that. But JTE was basically "The Guy" back in the day. He wasn't really staff, as far as I know, but he was basically on the level of a community celebrity, so hearing the kind of stuff he was up to was a real shock. It does put the only time I ever interacted with him into new context though. It was in a netgame (so in hindsight, it might not have even been him) but I remember him coming off as really weirdly flirty? It kind of made me uncomfortable, but I kinda just passed it off as just being how he talked at the time.

Just to bold that word over there. I don't think Spazzo "rage-quit" because that's not what happened. What really happened is that Mystic accused Spazzo for ripping out contents from the original author.

After Spazzo was banned from the forums, he went on to Mibbit to keep up with the argument. I think Spazzo said something about "That last post deletion was dirty" on the pms? anyway, the conversation ended with, "nice knowing you", and removed Spazzo from the access list.

I have the link. But first, I will have to ask the moderator if it is safe for me to post it.
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Oh, I know that's not what happened now. That's just what Mystic went around telling everybody, and I believed it at the time.
It does put the only time I ever interacted with him into new context though. It was in a netgame (so in hindsight, it might not have even been him) but I remember him coming off as really weirdly flirty? It kind of made me uncomfortable, but I kinda just passed it off as just being how he talked at the time.

yep that's it that's the bitch.

That's definitely "just how JTE talked", of course, but it's also kind of how they sunk their claws into you. Many of the victims that have come forward publicly or privately can attest for this. A lot of us were lonely, in a vulnerable spot, and most of us were dealing with being closeted and looking for unconditional acceptance. JTE's affectionate personality prove quite alluring for people in that position.
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yep that's it that's the bitch.

That's definitely "just how JTE talked", of course, but it's also kind of how they sunk their claws into you. Many of the victims that have come forward publicly or privately can attest for this. A lot of us were lonely, in a vulnerable spot, and most of us were dealing with being closeted and looking for unconditional acceptance. JTE's affectionate personality prove quite alluring for people in that position.

Well, shit. I don't know how many people got caught up in this, it sounds like a lot. All I can say is I'm very sorry you all went through that, and I'm glad it's getting the attention it deserves now. Earlier I expressed that I do have sympathy for the former staff and major community members who got the boot after working on this community for so long, but I want to make it clear that that sympathy does not extend to pedophiles.

This seems to be a disturbingly common problem around the sonic fandom, I've seen it a lot in other communities I've been a part of. It's a fandom that attracts kids that happens to have a lot of adults sticking around from the olden days, which makes it a natural hunting ground for predators.

My understanding is that recently two more predators were caught in this community? I didn't recognize either of the two names I saw though. It's not fun having to constantly be on high alert for this sort of thing, I've been a moderator of communities that have dealt with similar shit before (although none of them were nearly as large) so I know that for a fact, but I hope now that the staff here understand that they kind of have to.

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