How do you play your SRB2?

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Insane Idealist
Hopefully the topic title speaks enough for itself. Just introduce others to your style of playing in various gametypes and see how they compare to others. Are you an aggressive player? Can you hit an enemy from the other side of the map with a Rail ring? Do you constantly spam Thok moves? Those are a couple of examples to consider if you're still somehow clueless. For me...

Match/In general: I prefer to throw rings at a slow rate or in short bursts wherever possible (unless I get >100 rings, where it doesn't really matter). Whenever I get hit, I tend to instantly break into a spindash and create more distance instead of sticking around to pick up all my lost rings and weapons, though I have a bad habit of leaving emeralds behind often. I favour the Bomb ring as a weapon of choice, with Scatter and Grenade as secondaries.

Hide & Seek: Most of my performance relies on analysis of the psyche of others, and how closely they react to my expectations. I never try the same spot twice on a seeker I meet in the same day. Instead of areas that are genuinely hidden from sight, I instead prefer deceptively simple spots that most people don't think to look in. If there's an L corner around, say, turning to the right, I'll hide to the left of it knowing that most people won't think to turn any way but right. If it's a race map, you better damn well bet I'll hide as close to the starting line as possible, knowing that most people rarely check their starting locations well. Instead of sticking to a list of previous hiding spots, I constantly improvise and make up new hiding spots on the fly, regardless of how stupid they sound in hindsight - a lot of the sillier spots work a lot better than you might first think, just as some of the more concealed ones are often better known to the point some people even search there first.

Tag: Same difference for the most part. I prefer to hide away where possible instead of actively moving around the map, then spindashing and running like hell when someone finally finds me. Instead of using raw speed I prefer to rely on deception and fake-outs to lose persuers, and doubling back where possible to ensure I'm not along the seeker's direct pursuit path. Sometimes if I see a seeker pass by me, and it's the only one, I'll persistently stalk him around the place if I can manage, just to ensure I'm constantly out of sight and at lesser risk of being spotted. I still have a nasty habit of only focusing on one seeker though, which leads to me getting backstabbed by other seekers sneaking up where I can't see them.

CTF: Mostly defensive play. I tend to camp as close to the flag as a constant ring supply will allow, multi-tasking between gathering rings and shooting offenders at the same time. If the flag gets taken, I take to the skies and use high ground to get a better vantage point and locate the flag runner quickly. If the enemy flag is taken and the allied one isn't at any immediate risk, I camp the enemy's flag spawn until their flag comes back to attempt to catch them off guard. I'm still generally terrible at CTF though, and still need time to adjust. People tend to hit me before I even get to do anything worth the effort.

And before you ask, no, I don't expect anyone to type nearly this much.
Single Player: I often slow down and take time to explore, unless the level demands a fast pace. I'm big on visuals, and also like to search for as many secrets as I can on the first run.

Match: Whenever there's someone around, I jump around like I'm dancing on hot coals, to make the trickiest possible target. The downside, however, is that it's just as hard for me to aim at my opponent. This used to be my favorite gametype in the days of 1.09.4, but I HATE the new Match system, so I don't play that often anymore.

CTF: I like to be the guy that brings home the flag. I very often don't make it, though.

Coop/Team Match/Tag/Hide and Seek/Race: I don't have a strategy for these, because I hate these gametypes. I only ever join these servers if it means I get a chance to download a WAD I've never seen before. Then, I leave immediately, having obtained what I came there for. If you've ever seen me leave your server the instant I arrive, there's your reason ;)
Single Player/Coop:
-For SP, I basically race myself against the time. Or if I want to, explore a bit. Usually, I just run through the levels I know without getting any rings on purpose or spindashing on Crawlas.
-As for Coop, I help others. Or with experts, I race too. That means, yes, thokfest on GFZ. I mostly use Tails or Knuckles here.


-Collect rings, collect special rings, run around avoiding others who collected more than me, get more rings while running around, then fire crazily. Well I only do that sometimes. What I do is get rings together with those special rings, then find a good place then snipe someone. And eventually run away. At this gametype, I use Sonic.

Hide and Seek:
-Never played this that much so I don't have a strategy for it.


-Hide and when I see someone I fire at them. I don't play this much, either.


-Can't say I don't do thokfests. But for this, sometimes I use Knuckles.

-My favorite, since I hate the new Match system (but hey, at least we still get to play it..). I like being both sniper and the one who captures the flag. Well, mostly the sniper. Fact that I like about being sniper is that you can run around, distracting some opponents while the team member who has the flag can put it on base. Same strategy about rings in Match. I like CTF levels with bases that have something high on them, I'll climb them and I find someone to snipe. That is, unless I'm the one capturing the flag.
Hey, I like this topic.

Single Player
A gametype I can play at my own pace. On the first run of a stage, I take my time to explore. After I get to know the stage, I try speed-running. On bosses, I tend to be a hit-and-run guy. After mastering the boss, I try to land as many hits as possible.

I start off playing the stages normally, but I end up racing somehow. When requested, I go for emerald tokens.

I haven't taken the time to adapt to the new match system yet.

I hardly bother with race, actually.

I usually go after the person on the other team that has our flag. Otherwise, I defend the base. I'll rarely go after the opposing flag.

Hide and Seek
My favorite gametype. As a hider, I usually take the cheap route with Knuckles and camouflage. As IT, I search for every obvious spot and every spot I've used.

I end up doing hide and seek. Most people expect to see people running around, so I stay in place.
I don't play in first person mode so I tend to suck more... but I do get a wider range around my character so people can't sneak up behind me
Co-op: I mostly beat the level, helping others if applicable

Match: I get a few shots in, especially if I use grenades, I have a lousy aim since I need more practice.

Ctf: sneak into the opposing base, then grab the flag and run like heck...

I havn't played many games in the other gametypes yet. So I'll do this later..
Ctf: Push my way in the base by pure force. Or sniping tails and non thoking sonic users.
Tag: Confuse people by running behind them and trying to stay behind them. Also tricking them into running into one pathway without a dead end while I follow them.
Match: Aggresively.
Capture The Flag: Aggressively.
Co-op: N/A
Race/Circuit: N/A

That's all you really need to know. I like to hunt people down. :)
Single Player: I usually don't do much exploring for a while, and I look for the most direct routes to finish the level.
Match: I'm usually thokking around pretty frantically, trying to hit someone who is distracted by the chaos that is happening around them.
Capture the Flag: Most of the time I change my strategy to best help my team, but I'm more of an offensive player, and I go for the flag quite a bit.
Single Player/Coop: I usually use Knuckles in... everything including SP and I like to climb the walls in search of secrets. In Coop I sometimes like to stick around with people and play as a team if they want to.
Match: I don't usually do Match that much, but I like to sneak up to people and blast them with Scatter all the way across the map! I also play in Third-Person because I suck even more with FPS.
CTF: Basically the same, in CPZ I like to grab Grenade Rings and glide above the main area bombarding the place and hitting all of the opponents of the other team AND get away with it. I also like NRZ because I don't have platforming troubles like other users because they use FPS and I don't. I also like to Scatter their team base for enemies who stay there. I also HATE being railed.
Race: I'm a Knuckles pro, and sometimes can end up 1st or 2nd thanks to his glide and climbing abilities. Not much to say here.
Tag: I like to hide away up high in levels like DTZ and when IT players come here I glide away. As IT it is basically the same as Match, Scatter people.
Hide and Seek: I'm quite good in hiding, especially ICZ, my strategy is to get an Elemental Sheild and climb up a lavafall so the seeker can't get there without the sheild. As IT I like to seek in places that are obvious and less obvious.
Overall: I always use Knuckles because of his platforming skills and maneuverability (can't spell lol) I don't really use Tails unless there are places that Knux can't reach.
And I never use Sonic because his platforming skills are WAY beyond slippery and he can't reach high places easily, I think that Sonic sucks, Knuckles rules and Tails I don't care.

Name: Lightspeed
Skin: Knuckles
Color: Cyan
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single player: I normally just explore in single player and is just a relaxing game type really.

coop: I tend just to race to the finish really.

Match : Its a game type im still getting used to and find it very hard to rail. My overused and weapon of choice is the scatter ring.

CTF: i normally just go for the other teams flag or i try and go after the team member with my teams flag.

Hide and seek: Im normally tails now since its much more challenging then playing as knuckles. I just hide in smashed item boxes and wait for them to respawn for a werid reason.

Tag: I do two things really. I ether thok my way around the level or i be tails and try to fly away without being railed.
SP: I rarely play single player unless it is to test a wad.

Co-oP: I find a rival and try to beat him/her.

Match: Run like crazy, grabbing emeralds and only shoot if: A; in immediate danger, or B; I snipe.

Tag,HnS: Find a good spot and(tag now) run if I is seenz!

Race: TRY to find me in this kind of server. . .(unless coop levels)

CTF: I do both defense and offense. Really depends on the map.

The character I use used to be only knuckles, but now it is 50% Sonic too.(tails sux :P)
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Single Player: What single player? I mainly play netgames.
Co-op: Dick around, race through mostly, and collect tokens when needed. I mostly play as a character with the infinite float ability, but sometimes I'll carry people who can't jump precisely/are away from their keyboard through the level.
Match: Run around everywhere collecting any type of ring I can, and shoot people whenever I see fit. I usually run right in to fight someone instead of sniping, and I usually only go in to fight if I have somewhere around 150+ rings and max spread/bomb rings.
CTF: I'm usually the one to run over and grab the flag, then run back. If people get in my way I shoot them, but I'm usually hit from behind or something.
Hide and Seek: Camo with Knuckles/other character with a glide ability! (Gliding Tails ftw.)
Tag: Same basic idea, but I'll run away if I'm found, and rage if I'm found while AFK.
SP/Co-op I usually tend to just go as fast as possible. Or test out Time Attack tricks. Occasionally I might help out players if it's a particularly difficult stage or section. Not very often though.

Race Thok Fest.

Match I tend to rush people and stick with Scatter Ring, usually firing them in regularly used paths. I also might use bombs. I tend to have a good sniping ability.

CTF I hate sitting in one place, but I also hate having to be the flag bearer. I usually stick to people who take the flag to protect them or if it's the opponent, kill them.

Tag Run like crazy or if I'm it, wait for others to come to me.

H&S Basically everyone knows all the good hiding spots now, so my only real choice is to hide in some stupidly obvious spot. For example, behind a bush or hidden behind some ledge or something directly behind the seeker.
I just like to collect random stuff (Such as Life boxes and Invinc Boxes (Cheap Invinc Service for you XD)) and points.

Tag/Hide and Seek

-Hiding: In tag, i like to run around like a girl screaming and stuff. In HnS i try to hide in the most obius places so people search for the "Epic spots" and I just laugh in my spot

-It: I love to be it, i try to hit people with the awesome bomb ring (srslly its awesome :D)

Capture Teh Flaggy
I just improve, i sometime hit people randomly and get the flag back, or i just go get the other team's flag and run with it around, its nice :D (Sometimes I collect emeralds for lulz)

Match Also known as "Hit people randomly"

Same as above. (without the flag of course)

Race to da finish!

Hurray for thoking like an idiot XD!
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Single Player
If I haven't played before or if I'm playing a new character, I'll usually scout around and gather up as many rings/extra life boxes as I can, because you never know when those few extra lives might come in handy *cough Egg Rock Zone 2 and 3 cough*

If I think I have enough lives, then I'll probably just blaze through the zone as fast as I can.

I more or less just go speedrunning for the exit, and try to avoid getting a game over. If someone asks, I'll go searching for Emerald tokens or Emblems.

I'm pretty bad at Match, and I tend to avoid Match games like the Plague. I can't hit the broad side of a barn running at full speed, and I'm not used to the speed of the attacks to dodge properly. Not only that but the speed of the other characters is far too fast for me to keep proper track of. Blame my dooming background =p... it takes way too long to find and change weapons, when I do find myself having the ability to use anything other than the basic ring attack, oh look someone has probably already hit me by now =p

This game is best played in third-person view, but you can't aim worth garbage in third person. I pretty much suck playing first person view in this game

I've tried races, but I tend not to be very good at them. Mostly since I wind up racing against Thok-abusing Sonics that can get around the course in half the time my Tails can. I could probably use some practice in Race-themed maps.

I mostly just go after the flag and forget about everything else. Needless to say, I'm not too good at it. It's nigh-impossible to see who has the flag once it's left the base though, and the flag is too easy to return.

...Very different from my Halo 3 behavior where I grab something powerful like a Shotgun and go play Defense most of the time =p

Hide and Seek
My favorite gametype. I try to hide in out of the way places, and as seeker, I hope for an easy game like Meadow Match.

I run around and try to avoid getting tagged. Or hide somewhere taggers probably won't look. If I'm IT in Tag... you've got a decent chance to survive the round unless I get lucky and tag someone else who is better at this game than I am.
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One Player: get to the end, need I say this?
Co-Op: I try to help out others as I go along the level, since im a tails player, i try to carry sonic players whenever needed
Match: Rambo Style, Shooting mindlessly.
CTF: You'll always find me using alternate routes toward the flag
Hide and seek: My mentality is: RUN. NOWHERE IS SAFE.
Racing: My mentality is: Fly Tails! Use your Avian abilities to your advantage!!
Tag: same as Hide and seek
Hide and seek: after losing a few times, when we switched to the single player levels, I won a few by hiding in places that have obscuring angles or were the camera wouldn't go normally. I'd probably win tag this way too, but with the added mobility I could move if the coast is clear
Coop: I usually race to the end as fast as i can getting emerald tokens on the way. sometimes i mess around.

Match: I just get weapon rings and rings as fast as i can and i always look for a shield. i shoot like crazy when i see someone and i like looking for emeralds

Tag: I usually hide and usually get caught but sometimes i thok around as fast as i can to avoid getting hit.

Hide and seek: I usually go knux and camo. I either hide on walls or hide behind something or be stupid. if im it i just look every corner using bomb ring and to make it more epic i get scatter ring and get as close as i can and shoot them away.

Race: one word... Thokfest

CTF: I camp a lot and like getting emeralds and defending the base. if i do go for the flag i run as fast as i can back to my base and the flag is usually gone so i wait and then... bam... facepalm.
Coop: I hate coop. That's why it bugs me that half of the servers are coop servers.

Match: The opposite of coop, Match is my favorite gametype by far! When I play it, I tend to collect alot of weapon rings first before getting into action. (That's why I hate Recyclers...) I also search for a shield as soon as possible, because I hate it if all my powerups are shot out of me. I can't aim at all while in the middle of the action, and that's the reason I use Bomb or Grenade in those situations. I really like sniping at people with Rail, when someone doesn't notice me, but I frequently get sniped in those situations.

Tag: When I'm hiding, I'm searching for a good place to hide. If I get noticed, I run away as soon as possible. When I'm IT, I tend to try and rail/snipe everyone.

Hide and Seek: Never played it. Don't care about it too.

Race: See above.

Capture the Flag: I tend to try and guard the base. I fail miserably at CTF though, so I rarely play it.

Random Info:
- My favorite weapons are Rail, Bomb and Grenade. My least favorite weapons are Scatter and Bounce.
- I hate Recyclers and Teleports.
- I love shields, especially the Armageddon Shield during Tag. >=D
- I'm not too well at playing SRB2.
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