SRB2 Top Down

SRB2 Development EXE -ERROR LOG-

srb2TD caused an Access Violation in module srb2TD.exe at 001b:0044e6d8.
Exception handler called in main thread.
Error occurred at 1/31/2017 17:43:18.
D:\SRB2\srb2TD.exe, run by Steel Titanium.
2 processor(s), type 586 6.3853.
Program Memory from 0x00010000 to 0x7FFEFFFF
2039 MBytes physical memory.
Read from location 000000f0 caused an access violation.

EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=0044e6d8 EFLGS=00210246
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=0022fc50 EBP=0014f000
ECX=00000000 DS=0023 ESI=00000000 FS=003b
EDX=00000000 ES=0023 EDI=00000001 GS=0000
Command Line parameters: -opengl Bytes at CS : EIP:
8b ?? 98 ?? f0 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 8b ?? b0 ?? f8 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 00 ?? 8b ?? b8 ?? f4 ?? 00 ?? 
Stack dump:
Tried to go back to the record attack menu from Weather Factory 1, was using OpenGL as you can tell by the "Command Line parameters" section.
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Got this EIP 3 times in Stormy Streets in various areas, not necessarily even performing the same action.
Super Sonic 3D World? But in all seriosness, I think this is simply fantastic! From the unique (to this game) top down perspective brings a new, fresh twist on the standard SRB2 formula! I can't wait for some character wads to be updated to include TD versions, even though we already have 2.
10/10 -IGN.
Only reason I'm back into SRB2.
Also my true review :
PS: Not my creation.

What is going on with Weather Factory's BOSS?
It's just lame, if not lamer, as getting clothes as your Christmas gift.
Basically, all you do is wait for the balls to go out of harms way, and even then... Tails can just fly up next to the pole. I could say that each orb has a function and is not functioning right, or it's just unfinished?
The Second zone's boss is easily glitchable by tails and knuckles. It's a bit too gimmicky for the actual fight I'd say.
The Ice factory's boss is a bit hard, but it's actually my favorite boss because of that difficulty.
Otherwise, I'd LOVE to see the zones finished and more zones added. Game seems a bit "short."
I also understand this is still being worked on, but keep it up!
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Hi guys, I'm awake now. I'm glad to see this finally out, although it is a slight surprise to me too. :P

Wolfy has forgotten some documentation and it will probably be added into the first post when Iceman is awake again. The first of these is the level header option "TDBlast". Add this into a level header to cause the camera and gameplay to be rotated appropriately. For example, TDBlast = 45 will give you a 45-degree camera angle, just like 3D Blast. Next is that TD maps have 2 extra TypeOfLevel flags to work like TD Maps, the first is "TD" or "TOL_TD", this gives you the TD gameplay and camera etc. The other is "ND" or "TOL_ND", this gives you the ability to activate or turn off the "New Damage" system that we have in the TD levels and go back to the classic Sonic system. Go wild, and have fun. :)

So how do you make the camera isometric? I don't know what a level header option is and where to find it.
My kids would love to play this together. It would be awesome to have 4 or more local players possible, but at minimum, when starting a Two Player Game, the split screen render should not be enabled.
The local MP support is pretty half-baked, at least from my experience using it for TAS purposes. Splitscreen is turned off whenever the players are using a shared camera (in levels), but it splits for any situation where the players have their own camera (the hub, the last room in Stormy Streets). It annoys me because boss maps have the individual camera setting on (so splitscreen is used) even though every player has the same static camera, which is worst in WFZ3 where the boss itself is permanently off-screen until the pinch phase!

The problem when I asked Wolfy about it was that the shared camera is directly tied to enabling the bubble mechanic, so when they disabled that for bosses it caused the splitscreen issue. A more local-friendly solution would be just disabling splitscreen and individual cameras altogether for local MP, since nothing in the current maps ever needs it.

4P local would be nice too, but that's not quite as simple to implement lol
"There was a problem connecting to the master server"

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My kids would love to play this together. It would be awesome to have 4 or more local players possible, but at minimum, when starting a Two Player Game, the split screen render should not be enabled.

Try playing SP with the Sonic and Tails mode and see if that works. If you want more characters to choose from use the morechoices.lua
Welp. It's finally out and the quality is outstanding! The levels look beautiful, the levels are fun, but can cause some slowdown, probably just on my computer though. The amount of polish is amazing! Let's hope some people can modify characters like Rosy to be able to handle Top Down. I haven't been able to play them yet, but from the footage I've seen, the secret levels look really fun, and I'm hoping you can regularly play them in a future update, as they seem like they are gonna be completed levels with a second level, and boss in the future. Let's hope SRB2 Kart can give this same quality! Good, good, GOOD job everyone. You all deserve the praise.

Oh. Just realized that Rosy HAS been made playable for Top Down. My mistake I guess. Still need Metal and Shadow to be optimized though, along with a lot of other character.
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I have a problem with this wad. For some reason, I cannot see any objects in Frozen Factory Zone. Like players, enemies or items. Specifically this Zone.

(edit) After navigating through partway into the level, the graphics began to shimmer, then the game force-exited.
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I have a problem with this wad. For some reason, I cannot see any objects in Frozen Factory Zone. Like players, enemies or items. Specifically this Zone.

Try lowering the precip draw distance in the video options. This fixed the issue for me. Also, I would try to use the OpenGL render as the software render tends to crash the game sometimes.

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