Puffball X

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Returned for 2.2!
My second wad I ever made, I put a lot of work in this one.
after rai (from the fgx insider) helped me with a redesign, I knew I had to make this one. proper shading, good animations, color changing works, this one fixes most, if not all the last one's flaws.
Everyone's favorite ball of hair is back and better then ever!
Sweet new graphics and his old bag of tricks make him one cool hair ball
Use your homing attack and fire spin to blaze through stages!

Now available for v2.1!


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Aww, it's so cute! I really like that something actually uses homing attack for once. It's stats are pretty much an OP Sonic, which I never really liked. I half expected it to be slower than Tails. Also, I really like the fire trail. Much more pleasing to the eye than an ugly thok circle. Overall, it's decent. I don't like how it plays but it's really cute and fun to watch.
i made a double jump variant for those of you who have a hard time with this.
So, you think he's too fast? I can take down his speed a little.
Anything else you think needs fixin'?
Gamerman, this is nice. I really liked how a this character is so simple and small at the same time. Although it looks like a chao mostly, I would kill for a larger picture at the selection screen.
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Thanks dude. I wish I could get a large image on the character select, but every time I try it, even though the dimensions are EXACTLY right, it crash and burns. (As in the game crashes.) If you, or anyone, has a solution, I would appreciate it.
~Shivers~ I don't blame you if it crashes and all is right, but however I don't know how to fix the error sadly, maybe ask other wad makers to help you?
Last time I asked a question around here (How to fix net matches so my friend and I could join each other's.) It was never answered. Hopefully I get an answer this time.
Last time I asked a question around here (How to fix net matches so my friend and I could join each other's.) It was never answered. Hopefully I get an answer this time.

That's easy, go to LAN and type their Ip address.
I LOVE this wad, It's simple, its cute, and its fun to play as, but there's one small problem...
when ever you pass the sign post there's this weird thunder bolt-like thing...what the heck is it...?
May I ask what that is suppose to be and what it's from?

It's is representing a cute lovable puffball. In retrospect, it has no doubts from other games (much like other wads from the forums) but is new to SRB2 in fan format. Other than that, puffball x is my primal wad to take on SRB2's story mode and other mods.
Hey, thanks. I'm going to take that as a compliment.
I'm surprise someone is so dedicated to my wad.
(i would have commented earlier, but I was grounded of computer for like 4 weeks)
Hey, thanks. I'm going to take that as a compliment.
I'm surprise someone is so dedicated to my wad.
(i would have commented earlier, but I was grounded of computer for like 4 weeks)
Welcome Back. I'm just dedicated because this one the wads that stand out, like the older wads.(OutDated) Other than that, this wad is perfect for my playstyle.
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