Contest Discussion Topic (2.0.X)

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I disliked all of the maps in the single player division. I never got a chance to play the multiplayer ones.
It's highly likely that I'll enter Water Works Zone into the next Contest.

Well, now it's assured that the next OLDC SP Division won't completely suck.

I might enter in the next OLDC, but i'm not going to rush this time.
I've been drawing up an entry between class as well. Hopefully we can get the old standbys all in this. Remember: Everyone benefits if you don't make last-minute entries and actually test your stuff =P
Eh, I gave a list of criticisms in three text replies on there.
I really don't like the way the level looks. There's not much detail, the textures look bad, and there isn't much scenery.
Lawl, you misspelled my name. =P

Also, the level looks pretty good. A bit more texture variation could help though.
MAPF1 - Canyon CTF Zone by Eggmanfan - 0.00

I saw this coming from a mile away. Shining River is no longer alone.

Anyways, congrats to all the winners, and maybe I could make a better map in time for the next OLDC.
Congratulations to the winners, and commiserations to myself and the other losers, wth the execption of EggmanFan. (And we all know the reason why)
Oh, and good going, everyone else, some nice maps were in there.

Anyways, I'm hoping I get it right in November/December. I'm going to go for CTF this time, with Skyline Zone. Originally going to be a zone in Chaotic Doomsday, Skyline is now a DCZ-themed CTF stage which allows the players to choose whether to cut across the rooftops, or take to the streets in an attempt to grab the other team's flag. Desite the name, and unlike Gothic Gardens, there will be no death pits, so no cheap deaths will apply this time around.
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Well, now it's assured that the next OLDC SP Division won't completely suck.

Heh, you never know...

Anyways, congratulations to the Contest Winners! And thanks anyways for everyone who also entered the Contest! I look forward to see more (and better :P) maps in the next Contest. :)
I have to say, this OLDC contest was really bad. OK not that bad but there where many that where way better. I hope to see more race maps and single player maps in the next OLDC. I also hope there will be a Christmas themed match map. Since the OLDC will be in December.
I still want to finish Moss Flower Zone 1... It's going to take a lot of polish though to feel like a level and it will still probably only be a few minutes long, but that's a good time for a first level in any kind of mod anyway.

I might want to make a multiplayer map, but I'm going to have to come up with a decent design first. Part of me wants to remake Venomous Dusk, but I might be too busy to begin to work with that.
I still want to finish Moss Flower Zone 1... It's going to take a lot of polish though to feel like a level and it will still probably only be a few minutes long, but that's a good time for a first level in any kind of mod anyway.

Hmmm... I was thinking 45 seconds, since a general Sonic first act can be done in 30. (Except for Angel Island and Mushroom Hill Zones) Perhaps I'll double the length of Neo Sand Paradise Zone 1, and work on that. Gothic Gardens was a bit too large of a leap, as it was planned to be Zone 6.

Okay, so I plan to do Neo Sand Paradise Zone 1 (Single Player) and Skyline Zone (CTF) for November/December. Inferno Lake Zone (Circuit) has had some work done on it pre-contest, so I might enter that, too.

Screens of NSPZ1:


Screen of SZ:

Screen of ILZ:

Note that ALL screens have been taken in Single Player Mode.
Also, to prevent spamming ILZ's lava using Elemental Shields, the lava uses Damage-Generic.
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I've got two levels which are pretty much ready for submission: Fire Flight Zone (a NiGHTS Single Player level) and Upload Download Zone (A CTF Level). Obviously, I'm just submitting one per contest. I guess I'll go with Fire Flight Zone for Nov/Dec 2009 and Upload Download Zone for Jan/Feb 2010.
Your second screen needs more visual diversity, you have the walls blending with the level. Notice how I used two colors and two sizes of each in ECZ to keep that texture varied?

Also, nonelemental damage for lava is going to throw the players off. They expect to be able to get through fire when they have a fire shield. And where the lava is that deep, I really wouldn't worry about fire abuse anyway, as its going to be reserved to the hazards. (and that's kinda the point of the elemental shield)

EDIT: And the stone texture goes very, very poorly with the MMZ textures. Use it for structures, but as a flat accompanying the rocks, it is impossible to look at.
Also, nonelemental damage for lava is going to throw the players off. They expect to be able to get through fire when they have a fire shield. And where the lava is that deep, I really wouldn't worry about fire abuse anyway, as its going to be reserved to the hazards. (and that's kinda the point of the elemental shield)

Well, a previously released level of mine, Heat Street uses Generic damage due to Sonics being able to get through the course TOO well. However, it makes Invincibility a more valid powerup. It USED to be instakill, but the I realised how painfull death really was...Ayeee...
I've decided to enter my redesigned Jadeflower 1 into the Nov/Dec 09 OLDC, provided I get it done on time and tested.
Well blah, I hope it is better than what it is now or else your level might end up like Canyon CTF... and we don't want that to happen right?




I think I just realized how much my screenshot-taking skills suck x.x

Anyways, Circuit, ERZ-themed, reverse-gravity gimmick. Any comments, criticism, suggestions, rants about the whole concept?
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You really need to lower the brightness or change the textures of those larger rooms. It hurts to look at the texturing at that brightness.
I think there are too many rings.
Also, I get this strange feeling that reverse gravity is going to break the circuit flow.
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