SRB2CS: With new Match/CTF netcode! (BETA 5)

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Doing it that way wouldn't be too bad, but I'm reminded of a beta test I did before this was released. Even though it was incompatible, we tried out Race mode. All the time I was racing, however, I was constantly worried that my opponent was actually in front of me, even when it might have seemed otherwise. Their ping was about 257 ms, so when we were close-up I had no idea who was really in front. (This was a real downer for my confidence, so I lost the race, too. =P </excuse>)
But does his position really matter? I just try the best I can and hope I come out in 1st, other players positions don't phase me.
Downloading now, That was a fast update.

Edit:When i press join game i got a message that said... cannot connect to the master server.

Edit 2:My firewall was blocking it so it connects to the master server.
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Holy crap. Can't believe you actually made this, but great job. I remember talking to you about the idea quite a while a while back, but I didn't see it coming for real.

I don't play SRB2 much anymore, but I'll have to try this out sometime.
LXShadow, you should edit Addons Details on 1st post and change the version number there. Every time you change the version number, everyone who has subscribed on your topic will receive a notification about new updates. Just a small tip.

(I didn't know you had released a new beta until now)
Thanks for the heads-up. (You can tell I'm pretty new at this. =P)

Actually, a small problem is that the version number hasn't changed through the beta versions. SRB2CS's internal version is different from the standard. However, MS support was updated in Beta 2, and hopefully players will be notified on the next update. (.. or, at least, that's the plan anyway!)
- SRB2CS's netcode now uses SRB2's standard interface. This means that port 5030 no longer needs forwarding, and that MS support should now be more stable. However, glitches are likely to arise, so let me know if odd things start to happen. This change is completely reversible, so don't panic if things stop working!

Wait, so that means I could host without having portforwarded? If so, I love you LXShadow! =P
That isn't even possible.

Wrong. It's called NAT traversal and many games do it these days. It involves using the game list server as a middleman. Oogaland was working on it some time ago but I don't think he finished the MS side of it, or maybe he did and it just wasn't trunk'd.
Beta 3 already? Man LXShadow, you're just pumping out new version after new version...keep it up!
i try to connect to a friend's server but it not work. it appear a text in 1 milisec and i cant read it. i tried csconnect but the console said "connection failed (sorry!)"
Couple bugs I wanted to report regarding the newest version. If the client gets damaged in some way, it won't appear as if he spilled any rings and he won't be able to pick them back up; however, other players will see the rings and be able to grab them as usual. The client also won't see messages in the kill log that involve him getting hit by other players. Spazzo might have already tipped you off on the bugs, since I was playing with him last night when we noticed them, but I figured I'd post it just in case. (EDIT: Right as I post this, BETA 4 is released. Herp.)

With that aside, I can't thank you enough for doing this. SRB2's embarrassingly shoddy and out-of-date netcode was the one major thing preventing me from enjoying its multiplayer offerings, and now that the game is done stammering, masks control lag, and even compensates for hitscan, this truly feels like a proper multiplayer experience. I can't possibly go back to vanilla after playing this.

And this is just personal opinion, but I think even the features that are disabled don't have a negative impact on the mod... actually, I'd even say some of them are beneficial. No randomizers? The game modes that I don't care about are exempt from the beta? The lack of dropped weapon panels somehow makes Tails fun and viable in a competitive environment? Can anyone think of a way this could possibly be any better? Because I can't.
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Nice timing, Blue Warrior. =P

I'm glad you're enjoying this. I think a lot of people would agree with what you're saying, which is probably the main reason why I haven't implemented teleporters/recyclers yet. =P (Although I've started work on Race mode...)

LXShadow, you're awesome for two reasons. This mod, and for keeping #RABBIT :D

Thanks Kalaron! Have you seen the BUNNIES yet?

I'm glad people are liking this mod so much. I would be trying to make big improvements and updates at the moment, but they're always risky, and I don't want things to fall apart (somewhat as they did with Beta 3).

That said, things already appear to be a bit broken at the moment with Beta 4. The MS doesn't work probably - since nobody is around to update the version at the moment - and connection by IP may not be working either - due to the transition to SRB2's standard internal netcode. So please be patient and wait for the MS version to be updated. Thanks!
Would I be asking to much if this Net Code replaced vanilla? It's much more modern and efficient.
After playing this, then going back to Vanilla, I sighed.
I found a few visual bugs you might want to take note of: First of all, when standing on a rising platform, like a platform floating on rising water, the character flashes, and also, when spectating while dead, everyone appears to be dead, and everyone appears to have the same time as you, as well as everything else.

Also, on the netcode side, The cheats and setlives commands are both personal, meaning someone can give themselves 99 lives and 9999 rings and whatnot. This happened in race. Also, when in DSZ2, the platforms that rise when you get there, around the end, they refused to rise for me, and then after going back twice, suuddenly they had risen, all on their own.
I went on to hosting Beta 4 with race. I did race in the SP levels and there are a bunch of bugs that I thought I post. Just to help maybe :P

First, it seems like the host needs to finish the stage in order for the countdowntime to start, because anyone else ahead that finishes first doesn't exactly finish the race on my end (host) but on their end they do finish it.

I also noticed that in Race mode it says Team Match, not Race.

It also seems like players other than the host can enable their own cheats and set their own lives apparently. I don't know for sure since I was the one hosting, but others say they could.
Single Players are a bit buggy, but I bet you already know that. Circuit is doing fine at this point.
I did come across a sigsev crash in Deep Sea Zone Act 2. Thought maybe I could paste the error.log Which is here.

One question about adding files though. It seems like some wads I can't add with the launcher like, scmrtf_torturedplanet.wad and hinotev2.0-oldsoc.wad. I don't know what's up with that, but when I launch the game it says its invalid or missing when I know its in the root of my srb2 folder.

Awesome to see beta 4 with race though, race is fair now :D
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