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  1. Mr.RustySoup

    Mario & Luigi Series

    I was thinking about the Mario & Luigi games and thought it deserved a thread talking about it. I only played Dream team, Paper jam and the Superstar saga remake and felt a little underwhelmed with Paper jam. The rest kept me interested with unique locations that present us with in-depth details...
  2. Mr.RustySoup

    Where did the name for the SDURF come from?

    I haven't found much information on the infamous SDURF ("Stupid Dumb Unnamed Robo Fish").
  3. Mr.RustySoup

    What's your favourite multiplayer gametype?

    Even though i've been on the master server sparsely, i've really found a fondness for Race (Circuit in particular). I appreciate how your encouraged to discover the optimal way to navigate the terrain on each lap which felt unique from something like Sonic R because SRB2's physics accommodate...