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  1. Basic Bronze Sonic

    [Open Assets] Legacy Cman

    You collect all seven chaos emeralds, get 50 rings, jump up into the air, and then press the spin button, or custom 3. I forgot which button it was but the transformation is basically Cman's equivalent to the super form.
  2. Basic Bronze Sonic

    why does everyone say that friday night funkin is cringe?

    Honestly this happens with a lot of games like Minecraft as an example where the game itself is great but the community... hoo man it can be terrible sometimes, in this case its most of the time with Friday Night Funkin' since the community primarily consists of a bunch of children playing an...
  3. Basic Bronze Sonic


    I'm quite interested in this SRBX thing as it's made by a retired SRB2 dev yet no one knows what it's about yet unless Sonic Team Junior knows about and are just staying silent about it
  4. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How to change save data for srb2 Android version 2.2.x

    It works for me still but I'll repost the zip here as an attachment file for you.
  5. Basic Bronze Sonic

    Rule suggesting for SRB2 on Game Banana

    Alright then, I'll get to work on applying that so thanks for bringing that up since that is something very useful to know before loading in a mod.
  6. Basic Bronze Sonic

    Rule suggesting for SRB2 on Game Banana

    Now that is a good idea and I'm glad you came up with that... but I preemptively added that with the mod prefixing rule () alongside an extra mod prefix too, here's the mod prefixes and such I added. W = work in progress mod This is a prefix added with other mod prefixes like X, F, and the...
  7. Basic Bronze Sonic

    Rule suggesting for SRB2 on Game Banana

    While I... oh yeah they were changed around 😐, I thought they were extremely strict but thanks for snapping me back to reality but I'll keep this thread open still if anyone has any good suggestions but I'll start discussing adding new rules to SRB2 Game Banana with the GB staff now.
  8. Basic Bronze Sonic

    Rule suggesting for SRB2 on Game Banana

    As some (but not much) of y'all may know I recently was granted with the GB permits of being a Game Manager for Sonic Robo Blast 2 on Game Banana and I of course updated the extremely outdated rules and about section but I want Sonic Robo Blast 2 on Game Banana to at the very least be hated a...
  9. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How'd you get your profile picture?

    I updated my PFP, the explanation for my PFP looking way different now is... redesigns (nothing too special) :blink:
  10. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How to change game save data for Android

    Basic Bronze Sonic updated How to change game save data for Android with a new update entry: Added a second tutorial Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How to change game save data for Android - Added a second tutorial

    For those who don't know how to change gamedata for the Android port of SRB2 version 2.2.x but want to find out how real quick then check out the alternative simple tutorial that's only 2 steps long and doesn't go into much detail about the process.
  12. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How to change game save data for Android

    Basic Bronze Sonic updated How to change game save data for Android with a new update entry: Updated to be up to date with SRB2 version 2.2.9 Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How to change game save data for Android - Updated to be up to date with SRB2 version 2.2.9

    Yeah just look at the spoiler added to the main tutorial, I was procrastinating from this for a while now until I realized that SRB2 version 2.3 could release which would forever make this guide outdated so I finally updated it.
  14. Basic Bronze Sonic

    What You Liked About 2.1 before 2.2 Released in Early December of 2019

    Huh... Guess I used mods quite a bit, most of the netgames I joined usually had a multi thok Sonic.
  15. Basic Bronze Sonic

    SRB2 version 2.1 Android port discussion?!?!

    Well it's directly from the SRB2 Gitlab but I'll link it anyways, Here's the first file shown and Here's the second file shown.
  16. Basic Bronze Sonic

    SRB2 version 2.1 Android port discussion?!?!

    Now before I start this I'll acknowledge that yes this thread exists but it's old and is a giant text box that I don't want to edit for the purposes of being more friendly and reflecting the current rules a lot better so with that out of the way I'll start this off. So I found out after looking...
  17. Basic Bronze Sonic

    What You Liked About 2.1 before 2.2 Released in Early December of 2019

    I liked SRB2 version 2.1 over version 2.2 because SRB2 version 2.1 had it where Sonic had multi thok and cheesing online with Fang wasn't a thing
  18. Basic Bronze Sonic

    How did you get your Username...

    I've explained my username in other threads but I guess I'll explain it again. Basic Bronze Sonic is the name of my Sonic OC and I made my Sonic OC a bronze recolor of Metal Sonic because in SRB2 version 2.2 Metal Sonic turns bronze when he goes super and I thought to myself that it looks lame...
  19. Basic Bronze Sonic

    Welcome to the New SRB2 Message Board

    The upgrade of the hoster for the SRB2 message board is good... But it's so different that I find it hard to come onto here as often as I did before... But yeah emotes is life now :worry::wow:
  20. Basic Bronze Sonic

    About the female characters in the Sonic series

    Woah did things get going with this topic, well I guess I'll give my opinion on in general female characters in anything cartoons, movies, and video games as a whole. While yes female characters deserve more attention and such I think that internet media is doing it wrong, now yes lesbians...