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  1. Giberish4

    Ported Models.

    While I myself couldn't care less, some people take it WAY too seriously.
  2. Giberish4

    Legacy or 2.2 soundtrack?

    Legacy and no, I won't be taking questions 1653068983 yea it's cool bruv
  3. Giberish4

    Favorite SRB2 mod and character?

    SSNSonic and Supermatch
  4. Giberish4

    Bruh why didn't anyone do a homing thok script for vanila sonic yet?

  5. Giberish4

    Battle and Ringslinger

    If I'm honest, not to offend the creators of battlemod or anything, but I LOATHE battle with a passion, and prefer ringslinger by a mile. Battle, it's just, the whole using fighting moves really never stuck with me. Also, this might just be me, but battle is incredibly non-bad internet friendly...
  6. Giberish4

    VS. Metal Mode

    i imagine using xmomentum tbh
  7. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    It said that it didn't work, are you sure you put it in correctly?
  8. Giberish4

    VS. Metal Mode

    Giberish4 updated VS. Metal Mode with a new update entry: Harder VS Metal Mode Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Giberish4

    VS. Metal Mode - Harder VS Metal Mode

    You think the previous versions were hard? Well, wait until you get a load of this, even harder!
  10. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    Giberish4 updated Sonic R model for SRB2 with a new update entry: Animation revamp Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2 - Animation revamp

    Most animations have been revamped to be better
  12. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    Just did a playthrough of Sonic R as sonic, so i can try and make the animations more Sonic R like. The biggest offender so far is the walk animation, so I'll work on that one.
  13. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    Giberish4 updated Sonic R model for SRB2 with a new update entry: More Sonic R like Read the rest of this update entry... 1648102929 S h u s h t b h This isn't jeck's lowpoly models and even if it looks similar and better than mine, they're still 2 different things 1648102958 Same here
  14. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2 - More Sonic R like

    -Made better blend file -More Sonic R like animations -You can't see player colour in part of his eyes
  15. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    I did try that, but I could only use 8 frames, and for it to look fluent, I needed 15.
  16. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    what, no, the file is a md2 format 1647545392 as for this, im unsure of why it's not working. Are you sure that it's directed to the correct folder?
  17. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    Just change the first word in the entry (Skin name) from SONIC to FSONIC
  18. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    It is It can also work for f sonic aswell with no issues.
  19. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2

    Giberish4 submitted a new resource: Sonic R model for SRB2 - If someone brings up Jeck's lowpoly models then I'm actually gonna scream Read more about this resource...
  20. Giberish4

    Sonic R model for SRB2 V3

    My first ever attempt actually making (well, rigging) models for SRB2. It can look a little drunk odd when doing things like walking/running, but I'm really proud of what I've accomplished, especially for something I thought was impossible about a month ago. Enjoy!