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  1. toaster

    Peace Out

    Sev's been a fantastic steward for this community, with all the energy and effort he's put into helping others understand things like map creation. There have been multiple times where a void has made itself known, for one reason or another, and Sev has been the one to step up to the challenge -...
  2. toaster

    Ring Racers Suggestions

    The font size option is still available as a console command. This is actually a good segue to talk a little bit about our philosophy for that feature, anyways! The console has intentionally been de-emphasised compared to SRB2Kart - it's not even bound as a button by default. Messing around...
  3. toaster

    I've come to make an announcement:

    A little late, but wanted to say a few things. Hi. I'm a long-time member of the community. If my account was a person in and of itself, it would have earned the right to vote almost anywhere earlier this year. My active span is certainly less, but not by an order of magnitude; the decade since...
  4. toaster

    Ring Racers Suggestions

    Minor aside, but this actually isn't true; Gear 2 was the focus of our attention and design. Consider Gear 3 to be a "200cc" type challenge and Master to be a treat beyond that for super players; it's good that you enjoy it but we don't expect play to centralise around it.
  5. toaster

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    ...of harassment, legitimised by Mystic's vocal, public arguments that he would not, and did not want anyone else to, moderate this, and Rob and Prime*'s failure to respond to this in a sane way. (Which is why I'm glad to see the back of them, but that is quite literally another topic.) But I...
  6. toaster

    What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

    In this case it wasn't one poorly thought out action, but a continuous pattern of behaviour which needed a serious answer. Dirk has an extremely long history of trying to push other people's boundaries and use other people's artwork without permission, and I was one of them. Maybe he could have...
  7. toaster

    Sonic Robo Blast 2 Pacifist Run

    That's plenty impressive. Smart thinking about using multiplayer mode to prevent the bridge from tossing anybody into the deathpit. I know exactly why Arid Canyon is difficult - both the Minuses carrying TNT and the Snappers demand your attention - but what part of Egg Rock would have given you...
  8. toaster

    Iterative function is returning an unexpected symbol

    Ah! Apologies for the delay, but glad you had it mostly sorted. I know exactly what that last issue is - check for (ffloor.flags & FF_EXISTS) == FF_EXISTS - that should check whether it's been busted or not. :D
  9. toaster

    Iterative function is returning an unexpected symbol

    I apologise for not responding, I've been quite busy. See "invalid option"? This is telling you that "ffloor" is not a property of the sector. The "rover" you're iterating through is the replacement for it. So in this instance, you would replace all instances of "sector.ffloor" with "rover"...
  10. toaster

    Iterative function is returning an unexpected symbol

    backfront is a table, and that table doesn't have the ffloors property, only its entries do. You need to iterate over the elements in the backfront table, THEN iterate over that table entry's ffloors. That should resolve your error! I will also warn you that the else return will cause the loop...
  11. toaster

    [Open Assets] Sonic Robo Blast 2 the Past Version 2.0

    I wasn't aware this was preventing its inclusion -- I've spoken to Nev3r and we've agreed to relicense the release to have both maintain and modify permissions, which should be enough to be compatible with your efforts in The Past. Please feel free to include it in a future update, and let me...
  12. toaster

    SRB2 Con - Retro World Expo

    This sounds really brilliant, and would really like to go. Unfortunately I don't have the resources to travel to America on a month's notice at best, but it sounds like a great opportunity to pick the brain of the original generation of technically-minded Sonic fans and anyone who can attend...
  13. toaster

    Ashley's Short Level Pack

    I like that combination of pale grass, grey rocks and glistening water. It's a very appealing contrast!
  14. toaster


    This isn't a necessity. There's a MainCFG setting to remove the Egg Rock from the Evaluation screen and Marathon Run menu, and since before 2.2's introduction of the Ending cutscene, people have been making their own. I take it you're talking about the 06 pack - the creator simply didn't use...
  15. toaster

    2.3 Discussion

    Big wasn't just an April Fools joke, he was a thinly-veiled fictionalisation of the still-secret Fang. Larger purple character with a belt, new gameplay style, his own routes through certain stages... Literally everything in that AFD post was true except for the choice of Big, so if you want to...
  16. toaster

    Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition) The respawning nature is just to prevent a specific type of cheese for non-speedrunners - plus, if you've seen the recent impressive as h*ck 200 emblem TAS of vanilla, there is a (to my eye) human-possible strat that relies upon their existence in the zone. If you had to rebalance the...
  17. toaster

    What do you like about SRB2?

    SRB2 is a fantastic platform for creativity, both of the development team itself and everyone who loves it. I've talked about this in other contexts, but the generational nature of these sea changes means a real nest egg of talent has been forming for some time, and it's been coming home to...
  18. toaster

    Kart Krew™'s exe mods

    People have already responded to the bulk of your post, so I won't add to that pile, but this line did stand out to me in particular as something that really reflects the disconnect a critic has from the actual production of the work. To you, these maps are content. Fun bursts of...
  19. toaster

    Sonic Robo Blast 2 Pet Peeves

    The attraction shield found underwater does have a legitimate mechanic that allows you to take advantage of it. Try locating a nearby invincibility monitor and experiment!
  20. toaster

    can srb2 have an indonesian transletion? (sorry for the bad spelling)

    Alternate language support is something that would be ideal to have, but would require rewriting a lot of code and adding a bunch of new graphics in order to have properly swappable strings with ligatures and etc - not to mention add-ons are typically monolingual themselves, and it'd be...