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  1. D

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    Announcement: SRB2 for Web Beta will shut down at around May 3, 2021, or upon the release of SRB2 v2.2.9, whichever is sooner. The reason is due to lack of time for updating the Web version, and I have no news for this. Given that v2.2.9 will have many new features, I don't believe I should...
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    How would a SRB2 Web Port with Netgame work?

    If you want to know the technical details: there's this technology called WebRTC which the web port requires to do netgaming. Normal SRB2 uses a technology for netgaming called UDP. WebRTC and UDP are not compatible out-of-the-box. However, if you wanted to, you could rig up WebRTC so that...
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    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    No online multiplayer for the foreseeable future, sorry. The tech is incompatible.
  4. D

    Official Level Design Contest: Autumn 2020

    Great pack! Here's my single player comments, in alphabetical order:
  5. D

    Autumn 2020 votes

    SINGLE PLAYER Foliage Furnace Zone by Kwiin & Kanna Shadow of Aztlan Zone by akirahedgehog Overgrown Heights Zone Act 2 by InferNOr Emerald Aether Zone by Krabs Galactic Facility Zone by Mondongo Knothole Coast Zone Act 1 by Apollyon Azlant Ruin Zone by Gambit Pagoda Park by Rogerregorroger...
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    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    Following up on my previous post about mental health resources: There's a new Games and Online Harassment Hotline to provide emotional support over text message. It's staffed by trained counselors who are well-versed in gaming communities. To talk, text SUPPORT to 23368. See Ars Technica...
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    Mystic removal discussion - The good and the bad

    I think a mental health PSA is sorely needed in this thread. I wrote this as part of other comments I was going to make, but I'm not fully moved to share my personal opinions. That said, this PSA should not wait. While this thread has benefits in providing cathartic release, it is nowhere near...
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    Linux and macOS Ports

    As of July 9, 2020, we've ended support for the Launchpad PPA. The current packages may be deleted in the future. Ubuntu Focal (20.04) and later versions will not be supported by the PPA. SRB2 v2.2.5 and later releases will not be available on the PPA. Follow the Official Discord for the...
  9. D

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    I have now pushed an update to fix the audio stuttering. It’s also worth noting that levels may load longer than the PC version. This is intentional. Hopefully this prevents crashes on low memory devices
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    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    Bandwidth limits. The new host does not meter their bandwidth, so we'll see in one or two weeks whether they take down the site. Use this link to access the site and share with your friends, as it will always redirect to the most recent host:
  11. D

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    What's your iPad model? I'm working on a fix that should resolve crashes.
  12. D

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    Look at this video to see how long the download takes for a "fast" connection.
  13. D

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    Not feasible, absent a WebRTC rewrite. How's your internet speed? The biggest file it downloads is 45 MB, so it's probably downloading that one.
  14. D

    SRB2 on Web Browser!

    Indeed; running in WebAssembly is one part of the puzzle. The other part is supporting the browser-side code, such as keyboard and mouse controls. I'm not the first person to compile the game to WebAssembly, but I did decide to support all the browser quirks between Safari and Chrome. That...
  15. D

    [Open Assets] SRB2 Dungeon Crawler [v2.0.2] - A Rogue-lite SRB2 experience

    Great mod! There's a small Lua error if you're trying to play this on NONET builds. The Lua tries to retrieve the ALLOWJOIN console variable, which does not exist under NONET. As a result, springs are broken. Under Lua/1-Library/srb2Functions.lua, line 309, change this line: allowjoin =...
  16. D

    Linux and macOS Ports

    I fixed the packages to accept "libopenmpt0". Refresh your APT and try installing SRB2 again.
  17. D

    SRB2 version 2.1.23a release

    EDIT: Happy April Fools! Massive kudos to VAdaPEGA for programming the Megadrive ROM. What an achievement -- it even works on real hardware via flash cart. Try it out! Special shoutouts to Mr. Potatobadger for ripping SRB1 sprites and DragonWolfLeo for the music and additional help. For...
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    Fixed My game can't autosave anymore

    2.1.23 is released, download this to make the bug go away
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    SRB2 version 2.1.22 patch release

    It's not fair to keyboard players if, during the console, mouse and joystick users can turn, move, or look while keyboard users cannot.
  20. D

    Some questions about SRB2 2.1.21

    The Mac releases are Intel 64-bit only, which would be all Intel Macs except the first iteration.