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  1. EmeShoTony

    I've come to make an announcement:

    thanks for everything you did for this community, and i hope you best of luck for your future endeavors!
  2. EmeShoTony

    Any indie games you guys recommend? Popular or hidden gems, give them out!

    Across the dumpster fire of a wasteland known as the Triple AAA gaming industry, it got me in a mood to check out indie gaming, and I figured I open a thread to see what kind of indies you guys like to play and have others (including me) to try out as well! I'll start with me, anyone who loves...
  3. EmeShoTony

    was sonicX sonic canceled?

    seeing this thread appear, at all, is really making me wonder if folks outside of discord actually believe that addon development is the same as paid game development like y'all do realize this is like, a passion project right??? what they're doing is COMPLETELY optional and are only doing so...
  4. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    it's funny because i think he said at first he wouldn't need it (or maybe it was for wall running?) but now it's included into X Sonic's moveset
  5. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    Really? Glad to see they're hard at work, hopefully the crew makes sure to take breaks and take it easy over the mod! We can wait for X Sonic to come out as great as it can be for release! It is nice to see them hard at work too!
  6. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    i just never heard him said anything about it being 80-90% done, so im just curious lmao
  7. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    wait when was it 80-85/90% done? last time i've seen an update was when it was 75-80% done
  8. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    i expect him to be really damn fast, not to mention his small but incredibly versatile moveset will allow him to get through parts of levels really easily or outright skip them. not to mention his combat will probably make him pretty good for bosses and deal with them quickly as well
  9. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    probably even less tbh
  10. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    i honestly think it's just a secret similar to hyper sa-sonic imo, it would be cool to find dark sonic, if he is in the mod anyways lol
  11. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    I think Dark Sonic has been confirmed to be in X Sonic if everybody is excited and also repeating the same words has been showing up. I think he might be a secret transformation, like SA-Sonic's Hyper transformation Of course BlueBlur didn't really say anything about Dark Sonic being confirmed...
  12. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    oh damn i actually never thought of that, either predictions sound pretty cool lol
  13. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    kinda curious if it actually does something or if it's just a cool visual change
  14. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    Man I knew I was missing somebody, lmao but yeah, your right lol
  15. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    X Sonic is pretty much the only character I've seen that does actual combat, SMS does have some attacks as well but honestly I think X Sonic makes it more interesting as you can reflect projectiles AND use them for movement, not just attacking enemies. I think it's just more cool and unique.
  16. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    ring burst works by pressing spin while in the air while having the rings for continuous use. Blur says preferably 20 rings or more is good enough.
  17. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    i think just play multiple stages with him, especially with OLDC, test out his movset and see what crazy abominations i can do with this fella, i literally can't wait for him to release! i can imagine the craziness lol 1705112091 i will also host a release party for x sonic but that depends if...
  18. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    honestly go through the entire campaign with him, as well as maybe going through the map packs as well, shit looks too much fun to just go through one campaign imo 1704917645 you know actually, with his moveset, he gotta be SUPER versatile despite how small his moveset is. I wonder how much he...
  19. EmeShoTony

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    oh man i love the zip dash, being able to zoom across and change direction in a instant, while also working as a drift??? oh that's so fucking cool, the zip dash is literally what sonic does in cutscenes and I'm just so happy about that also the snap dive, being able to bounce and chain...
  20. EmeShoTony

    The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd

    This is definitely a great build, with many features like the Jukebox and even 2.2.11 uncapped added in, I would definitely be using it as my main build... if there isn't a massive issue with Multiplayer. For some unknown reason, there is something that is stopping me from joining most servers...