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  1. BDBGaming


    YO! Great!
  2. BDBGaming

    SA2's Green hill - stage remake. (You won't need 180 emblems to play this stage!)

    Maybe for getting all the emblems when added before/after SA2B port? Or perhaps for finding a SPECIFIC emblem?
  3. BDBGaming

    Swift the "poorly drawn" Dragon WIP

    I don't see it.
  4. BDBGaming

    Guil's Skin Colours

    To quote Jim Carrey. "B-E-A-utiful." Amazing!
  5. BDBGaming

    Post your pics/art here!

    He is the EGGMAN!
  6. BDBGaming

    SA2's Green hill - stage remake. (You won't need 180 emblems to play this stage!)

    Nice! I actually have a suggestion if you're willing. Perhaps you could make it compatible with the SA2B map pack port as a bonus?
  7. BDBGaming

    Super Schoolhouse zone (Baldi's Basics but as a Sonic stage)

    I've said that they do multiple times. -<-
  8. BDBGaming

    Cheeseboi’s Mod Dumpster!

    The goofiest of goobers.
  9. BDBGaming

    Swift the "poorly drawn" Dragon WIP

  10. BDBGaming

    Swift the "poorly drawn" Dragon WIP

    Good taste. B3
  11. BDBGaming

    Swift the "poorly drawn" Dragon WIP

    So...basically like Dr Eggman's super form?
  12. BDBGaming

    Post your pics/art here!

    Stealing this, NYEHEHEHE!(A joke. :3)
  13. BDBGaming

    Swift the "poorly drawn" Dragon WIP

    Like I said, they're busy with other addons at the moment.
  14. BDBGaming

    Ring Racers Suggestions

    I wish I knew, lmao.
  15. BDBGaming

    The Werehog v2.3

    You don't shut. You are gud guy. :)
  16. BDBGaming

    The Werehog v2.3

  17. BDBGaming

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    My're a fucking legend.
  18. BDBGaming

    Swift the "poorly drawn" Dragon WIP

    Gaddammit, why do you human beings give up so easily!? You've worked too dayum hard to stahp. You can persist. I FAKKING BELEEVE IN YUU!