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  1. The Unknown Watcher

    (project) [character] "Dexile the fennec"

    I'm excited to see this come to be! I wish you my bestest of luck I can possibly give!
  2. The Unknown Watcher

    Peppermint's SRB2 Styled Models

    Let's not argue about if they're alive or not! I doubt they're inactive, But either way, Continuing this squabble may result in the thread getting locked down!
  3. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    *Insert Splash Hill Act 1* I don't know, But it's tingling my mobile gamer senses.
  4. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    No, It isn't, Someone asked what their fav hud and voice was to use. Further to add onto that, I use Modern's CURRENT actor, And the Gens hud.
  5. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

  6. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    Ah, I see, So can you specify what the issue is, Is it that you don't have a private router, Like at your house? Or is your router different from most. I never got the grasp on Radmin/Hamachi's.
  7. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    As to get back on semi-topic after... That just happened, Are any of y'all hosting a celebration server once V6 is out? Because I am!
  8. The Unknown Watcher

    Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

    Well it ain't...
  9. The Unknown Watcher

    What changes do you want in 2.2.14?

    Are you.... Joking?
  10. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    WH- THAT'S SA?!?!? Well throw my ring out the window and call me uncle, I didn't see that was SA, But I DID mention those icons WERE used for Mindscape, Kinda weird how it uses Modern's artwork for Adventure Sonic.
  11. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    I did mention this before.
  12. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    I think you can do that in X-mom just by running off a elevated surface period.
  13. The Unknown Watcher

    Ray the Flying Squirrel

    Lol, How's the progress going on that anyhow, But please, Don't reply to this message here, Send me conversation reply. As to stay on topic of Ray, I too, Wonder what map that clip was taken.
  14. The Unknown Watcher

    [Open Assets] Mimic

    Oh... Mmm... Ya see, Metal's model doesn't HAVE the other characters' sprites, So it might either resort to a backup and just use Metal's sprites again, Or it might resort to the default animation, Which for all of Jeck's models, Is them in their stand pose, Staring directly at the camera.
  15. The Unknown Watcher

    [Open Assets] Mimic

    It uses all of Metal's sprites, So of course it would!
  16. The Unknown Watcher

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    I believe those are for The Silverhorn's Mindscape stage, As me and my friends stole the entire folder for the images, And found these three in there. But that doesn't mean you aren't right!
  17. The Unknown Watcher

    The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd

    Not to be a major dinglenut and to lighten up the mood, It looks like GMod found a way to bug out in a whole different game.
  18. The Unknown Watcher

    [Port] Lepori The Rabbit

    Please elaborate, I'm not good at understanding 4 word sentences.
  19. The Unknown Watcher

    [Port] Lepori The Rabbit

    No they mean, You didn't MAKE 2.1 Knuckles themself, Someone else did, And therefore you MUUUST follow the porting rules.
  20. The Unknown Watcher

    LonelyFoxz's Remixed 2.2 Models V1

    Oh! My apologies!