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  • Users: HPR
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  1. HPR

    Final Demo!.. Remastered..?

    hey guys, update here. I put this off until around march, but then my external hard drive broke, and with finals I can’t really do anything. When I recover my files, and have free time in the summer, I’ll start workin on this again.
  2. HPR

    Final Demo!.. Remastered..?

    The mapping is mostly complete, as it stands. I already ported everything (except RVZ 1) when I was working on this 3 years ago, but you seem way more knowledgeable on SRB2 modding than I am, though! I’m still scrummaging through the Mod to note everything down, that I need to do, what was...
  3. HPR

    Final Demo!.. Remastered..?

    Oh my god, I completely missed the edit responses.... I have decided to mess around with UDMF, but I still can go to regular zone builder if needed. I'd also be happy to collaborate on this! I'll shoot you a dm asap! I'd prefer not to use SRB2 the past materials, not because I can't but mostly...
  4. HPR

    Final Demo!.. Remastered..?

    Hey all, this mod might ring a bell for those of you in the community 3 years ago. I attempted to get the original thread unlocked (Seen here), but It's not that big of a deal.| So, some of ya'll may be asking. "What exactly is this mod?" I can't answer clearly, as I've only started just...
  5. HPR

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Eh, if it were slower it’d be useless, I heard of an idea that it’s speed is based off of your current speed/momentum, but if it were like a tiny jolt forward, it wouldn’t be as useful
  6. HPR

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Max speed of the spin dash is way higher than the thok. Also, it decelerates quickly, compared to the spin dash, which the player can keep up if playing well.
  7. HPR

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Sandwichface is controversial because he rarely has much to positively say on things, I personally think he can go too far sometimes but I think it’s massively overblown from what I’ve gauged. I binged his videos recently and I just think he needs to tone down occasionally. I think his newer...
  8. HPR

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    I had recently played through the entire game after not touching it for years, and I feel like I could provide an interesting outlook to this discussion. I used to be a Thok defender, and I still am, but I can see why people struggle with it. However, I don’t think the thok is the issue, at all...
  9. HPR

    SRB2 v2.2.9 Patch Release

    STJR has you all fooled..... 2.3 came out on the IRC chat in 2018!
  10. HPR

    Oldest mod/addon for SRB2?

    Aha! I thought so!
  11. HPR

    Oldest mod/addon for SRB2?

    pretty sure there was a few addons packed in with demo 2 or something. 1630094840 but they were made by ssn or sonniku or something
  12. HPR

    1.09.5, A Final Demo Remaster. (On Indefinite Hold)

    Happy birthday Final Demo IG lol
  13. HPR

    SRB2 uncovered stuff thread

    Yea right, my man lol
  14. HPR

    SRB2 uncovered stuff thread

    So thats what it is! I asked what it was because I saw it on the wayback machine, and someone answered Srb2 C basically.
  15. HPR

    1.09.5, A Final Demo Remaster. (On Indefinite Hold)

    Very, Very slow The demo posted up above is literally the latest build on my end as well. Gotta be honest here, I have not had much motivation to continue. The mod is probably going to be on a hiatus for a bit, but it will come out, eventually. 1625096385 The main reason is that I'm...
  16. HPR


    I may be wrong here, but I think you can play music after a boss is defeated, or something.
  17. HPR

    SRB2 is compatible with Controllers

    used to switch naming, but yes. LT and RT
  18. HPR

    1.09.5, A Final Demo Remaster. (On Indefinite Hold)

    Don't worry, the Final build will probably be on the MB, and the latest demo was posted above anyways. 1623460454 mario mode
  19. HPR

    Sonic Tetris Blast

    ah yes, the game ported to every medium possible
  20. HPR

    1.09.5, A Final Demo Remaster. (On Indefinite Hold)

    ATTENTION EVERYONE DEVELOPMENT HAS STARTED BACK UP MAY OR MAY NOT POST A TEASER TOMORROW OR SOMETHING :oh: Anyways the next teaser may or may not be about a certain plumber 1623375404 Oh, and one more thing: Have fun :)...