Is this game SUPPOSED to be this slippery?

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Okay, so hello.

I recently learned of this game while going on a Sonic fangame binge. I heard it really takes the classic games and expands their ideas into 3D. I quickly downloaded it.

Oh my fucking god what is wrong with these controls.

I'm playing as Sonic right now, and this has to be the most slippery game in existence. Sonic runs like he's on oil covered with ice that's been coated in vaseline all the damn time and it makes it impossible to do any kind of precise platforming without falling off. The only canon Sonic game this slippery is Shadow The Hedgehog. Try to line up a perfect jump but end up hitting W for one frame too long? Have fun seeing Sonic FLY at max speed over the platform and 8 miles away in the level! I cannot name the amount of times I've flown over the platform I want to hit because Sonic goes from 0 to MAX SPEED in half a second. Is it supposed to be like this? Because the classics were not like this at all. And yes, I am doing things like hitting down to brake instead of just letting go, but it's still absurdly slippery.

I don't know about you, but I played Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, and CD, and none of them were this slippery. You could actually PLATFORM.

Now don't get me wrong. I kept playing through and I REALLY want to like this game. The level design is absurdly confusing and labrynthine at best but I still find myself mesmerized by the sheer size and detail of these levels, and in the few times where I actually can get some platforming down it's a complete blast that really does remind me of the old school sonic games, but holy christ wrangling this game's controls every second to make basic jumps is mind-bogglingly absurd.

Also, is this game supposed to have a camera that makes Adventure 2: Battle and 06's look like masterpieces of cinematography? Because it frequently gets hung up on stuff and if you're next to a wall or in a tight space you can kiss seeing Sonic goodbye.

I'm using the standard WASD + Mouselook controls by the way.
Thank you not reading my post.

Had you actually expended the mental effort (hard I know) to do that, you would have already seen that I am doing that. It does help, a lot. But Sonic still accelerates ABSURDLY fast and feels like running on ice all the time.
You could always pick Tails if you want a slower playstyle. Sonic's supposed to be "hard mode" for a reason; his speed and lack of vertical options makes platforming difficult.
What are you talking about? Shadow the Hedgehog was the least slippery game ever. You let go of the control stick and you stop almost instantly.
What are you talking about? Shadow the Hedgehog was the least slippery game ever. You let go of the control stick and you stop almost instantly.

It's kind of hard to put into words, but Shadow behaved much like Sonic in this game--he accelerated really fast and when you were moving he sort of just glided over the ground like a hovercraft.

Really, the biggest problem is that you have almost no modulation of speed. Sonic barely starts moving at first so you can't just tap W to go slowly for precision platforming, but if you hold W for more than a fraction of a second it's instant GOTTA GO FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAST

Kirblord: Don't post if all you're going to say is "GIT GUD"
I also thought this when I first started playing. If you just play it enough, you get used to it and it feels natural.
Thank you not reading my post.

Had you actually expended the mental effort (hard I know) to do that, you would have already seen that I am doing that. It does help, a lot. But Sonic still accelerates ABSURDLY fast and feels like running on ice all the time.
My bad. I skimmed your post and didn't see any capital S's so I dropped that there.

I don't agree with your observation just from reading your post. I think you're too quick to judge just from playing the game for a short period, and you're also getting really angry and vitriolic for no reason. When I first played this game (years ago, mind you), I couldn't play Sonic for the life of me. I think it takes a lot of getting used to, and it's difficult to immediately equate this game's control to the classic Sonic games.

I could be completely wrong, though. If you could, I think it'd help everyone else to visualize the issue you're having if you... visualize it. You can press the F9 key to start recording a movie of the game in .gif form; pressing F9 again will cut the recording. Would you be able to record some of the problems you're having?
You might have better luck using first person mode, since it will give you more precise control. I used to like analog mode (with a real gamepad of course) and using the trigger buttons as camera rotate and reset. I don't really use analog mode anymore and actually got used to normal third person mode....after several years. I hope one of those can help.
My bad. I skimmed your post and didn't see any capital S's so I dropped that there.

I don't agree with your observation just from reading your post. I think you're too quick to judge just from playing the game for a short period, and you're also getting really angry and vitriolic for no reason. When I first played this game (years ago, mind you), I couldn't play Sonic for the life of me. I think it takes a lot of getting used to, and it's difficult to immediately equate this game's control to the classic Sonic games.

Sorry that I sound so angry, it's really that I want to love this game but these controls just feel weird to me.

I also thought this when I first started playing. If you just play it enough, you get used to it and it feels natural.

I am getting used to it but there's always that frustrating moment of platforming, especially in DSZ where:

>Alright, I just need to land on this platform
>Hit W for more than 2 frames
>Sonic FLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIES past the platform into the water below forcing me to spend half a minute getting back to the platforming section
>Repeat 4 times until the game physics finally have pity on me and let me through

Fighting the physics is not difficulty, otherwise 06 would be the greatest game in the series.
The key to jumping is generally to start out quick, and start slowing down as early as is feasible until you're at the correct speed to coast until your landing without touching any keys at all; if the jump is farther you have to keep at high speed longer so you can actually make the jump, if and the platform is smaller you have to keep faster for longer so you can slow down to a greater extent before touching the ground, though in that regard you're assisted by double friction on landing. How you time your braking in a jump is a matter of balancing the difficulty of making the jump, and the difficulty of sticking the landing, but first you have to be aware that those two things are trading off on each other.

Controlling aerial momentum is the hardest skill to master in SRB2, because you've got the same kind of momentum to deal with on the axis of depth that you would left to right in a traditional platformer... and perpendicular to that as well via strafing, though that's generally secondary (if still very, very important to high level play). You have to project where you will be with your current speed and adjust it well in advance of getting there.

Compounding this is that most 3D platformers are essentially movement by wire: you use the analog stick to tell the game how fast you want to move and in what direction, and all the logistics of acceleration are handled for you, and nigh instantly at that. SRB2 on the other hand has you dealing with your acceleration directly... and true to what you say, choosing a precise speed to move at on the ground is difficult, even stupidly so, which is why for platforming's sake it's better to choose your speed by jumping when it's right to lock it in(like a timing game in warioware, almost), and then making adjustments in the air where the high acceleration and high friction doesn't invalidate your choice of speed.

SRB2's treatment of movement is somewhere between a platformer and a racing game - only in the latter are you frequently expected to manage your momentum in three dimensions as much or more than a platformer does in 2D. It takes practice to get good at it, but once you are, the skill ceiling is spectacular.

As for the camera, there are two options for fixing it when it gets stuck: The camera reset button, and first person toggle. For more general camera responsiveness, ramp up CAM_SPEED in the console; setting it to 1 will make its motion instantaneous. Putting the command into autoexec.cfg will make it run every time you open SRB2.
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I would love to see some movie mode .gifs of the ridiculous exaggerations you're stupidly ranting about with such hostility.

Well, your problem is you are trying to use the thok to platform too much. Trying to platform with the thok is a nightmare, and I would generally recommend avoiding it at all costs unless you are about to fall in a death pit if you don't, as it's hard to control.
Not only did you not clarify that thok was the DEFAULT WALKING FORWARD KEY for you, but you're whining about using thok to platform when you're a beginner player. If the physics are too difficult for you, use Tails (who is specifically slated to be used by starting players) and not Sonic (who is literally the direct opposite).

Yes this is for once, an actual case of "GIT GUD". It's not the game's problem.
Made a small gif showing what I mean.

Maybe this is just me sucking at the game, but you can see what I'm talking about when I say precision is hell in this game (didn't go the air bubble because I was gonna die anyway.


Well, maybe you shouldn't thok so haphazardly? I'm no high-tier player, but thokking should be used if you undershoot or overshoot a jump but have still enough time to correct yourself, or if you want to speed things up and you're confident you're not going to run into anything dangerous, but NOT for stuff like that. You could have made both of those jumps without thokking. Just get a small runstart(even the small platform of the first jump had enough space), jump holding forward and start braking once you see your current speed is about to make you fly past the platform.

You should take the others' advise - play as Tails, get a good, nice feel for the physics of the game, then move on to Sonic if you feel confident enough.
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I guess as much. But I have a speedrunner's mentality and generally try to see how much I can skip with clever jumping in other sonic games.

Funnily enough I went back and played the game again and I'm not as terrible as I was before. Maybe I'm just getting used to the controls.

Still has this happen though. At that third platform Sonic just skids backwards for god knows what reason.
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Considering the Gif you showed us, the problem is that you dont "Break" after the thok, rather you keep pressing forward which would take you off the platform. What Iceman404 did is what should be done, and if you choose not the thok just do what his second gif did.
Also, when it comes to platforming, especially small ones, thoking its definitely not the way to go.
Im sure we were all at this point atleast once, but you learn to techniques as you play.
Another thing, it seems as if your trying to rush through the level (Your use of thoking) which is a big No-no. Take it slow and then replay the level.
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