What changes do you want in 2.2.14?

Explain the sprites then:threat:
do you mean the sprite coloring or the actual sprites? if you mean colors xmomentum makes the colors different, if you mean the actual sprites it could be a 2.3 build or more unlikely a 2.2.14 build that isn't public yet
do you mean the sprite coloring or the actual sprites? if you mean colors xmomentum makes the colors different, if you mean the actual sprites it could be a 2.3 build or more unlikely a 2.2.14 build that isn't public yet
The actual sprites. The new sprites have been done for a while now. The devs have been holding off on putting them in the game because they wanted Fang and Amy to have actually good movesets before adding them. And this is actually for 2.2.14.

And I heard that the sprite coloring for some characters changed in 2.2.14 too. So yeah.

Also In comparing 2.2.14 & xmomentum's moveset & color, They are not the same.


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If this isn't dead, a rework on the special stages penalty. Some of us (quite literally) don't got time. Just subtract 5 spheres when we get hit instead. The fact the fps can stutter on android and we get penalized for something we clearly couldn't control, it sucks and it's not fun.
Another change I'd make is using rings as "health" in the zero atmosphere environments in Egg Rock Zone. Just it slowly draining as you are outside. As well as less moving objects in there. Just maybe add a Eggman "death wall" that goes on and off, instead of 50 moving objects.
nah, like from above and behind on models you could only normally se the front of, like monitors
well those are designed to face the camera at all times, why would you pop a monitor with a powerup you cant see. plus, they arent angled in map editors so usually theyd always face east, and you may not be able to turn around and see their powerup

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