Ring Racers Suggestions

The melee mechanic names are.... weird yeah. It's like if the Drop Dash was called the Ground Pound like in Super Mario, even though the two moves are really not that similar at all. It just makes things confusing and they probably should have been given more original names. I actually really like wirecutting as a name for passing through tripwires, I hope that one can catch on.
I will be entirely honest; I actually groaned when I saw "wavedash" appear in the technique names. I've been calling it "Tidal Wave" instead. Sliptide + Wavedash = Tidal Wave. I'm not sure that's the best name either, but at least it doesn't sound like I'm bating for Reddit karma.

Speaking on naming mechanics and tech, its weird that you'll give a name and explanation for "drifting without holding accelerate", but the state you're in that allows you to go through tripwires is just described as you having an "aura" of some kind, and not given an actual proper name or keyword. So talking about it sounds like "when you have that aura", or "that downward slope gives you that aura", and then someone inevitably goes "what aura?", and I gotta describe it because "aura" isn't a keyword and just looks like another of the game's many visual effects. It's not even always applicable, because items that don't provide that aura can let you cut tripwires anyway!

It coulda been called "Wirecut/Wirecutting", like "Reaching 200% speed lets you wirecut", "you can only go through here when you're wirecutting", "that downward slope can let you wirecut", "Growing naturally cuts wires", "Gardentop lets you wirecut, but only once, and then it breaks without providing speed. Make sure to hold down and throw it to have you launch in a wirecutting state instead", you get the drift. Once you know what a tripwire is, the term "wirecut" comes naturally.

...Hey wait a minute, I thought it was called Triangle Dive, because not only is that what its literally called in Heroes, but you literally dive at a triangle-esque angle, Why is it a Triangle Dash if the most important part of the tech is that it dives??

Honestly as much as I like all the funny fighting game references in the names for stuff, they really don't do a good job of explaining how they really work well. Triangle Dash being a reference to mvc styled fighting games w being able to dash diagonally downwards after doing a regular jump making a triangle shaped jump arc but it does end up leading to a bunch of confusion. Course the manual really helps at this point but it could use some kind of demonstration in game maybe in future updates.
Welcome to the Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers Suggestions thread. Before you post, there are a few things you should know:

1. Try searching to see if your suggestion has been posted before and see if anything comes up. You don't want to beat a dead horse, after all.
2. Please keep discussion to a minimum. If something is going to involve a detailed and long discussion longer than 30-40 posts, please post in a new thread in Ring Racers Discussion.
3. Keep discussion of other's ideas civil. You knew this already, though.

Remember that there is absolutely no guarantee that Kart Krew Dev will use anything posted in here.
idk how too comment so uhhh Yeah so i did a reply

Anyway It was Very strange Too see The most of the characters left out That are the most notable and notable And Mario so heres the suggestions of tooo uh add certain characters too the game

Heres the suggested roaster too add here

Ristar, Scartch n grounder
Stright up Mario mario
Dark prince
That stupid kid from sonic x (Chris)
And skeel
Tirp and Sage!!!

Maybe the suggestions got stupid after S n G but hey First off If arle and that dumb dolphin That isnt even a cartoon (Eco) Then im pretty sure adding ristar To wont be bad at all

Now for scartchy and greeny
Its literally Called Robotnik’s Ring Racers
the theme of the real spin off its beacause it had a bunch of robots that are from eggman

mario is mario idk man

If the game technically haves carbuncle and arle then leaving dark prince out is like Eating chicken without the skin :(

Now for chris In a way Chris is like maria if shes worse or Better Depends on the Is perspective And if theres a stupid badnick from knuckles chaotix here them im petty sure chris fits right in!!!

Skeel is the same exact reason for scartch and the other guy..

Sage and tirp are the new characters uhhh and stuff, okay i cant defend that last one.

last but not least tails!!! Wait hes in the game, Well uh make him have a bigger nose! or atleast a mouth :(((


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One of my suggestions is for GP. I also want Vector since him not being included at launch is a bit dumb, but I found a good temporary replacement.

Different rival graphics. While the big flying RIVAL graphic is useful it would be nice to have a toggleable option to show a character minimap over their head.
My only suggestion that wouldn't conflict with Kart Krew's vision is to add more characters to fill up the character select screen grid.

Characters like... Vector. Pretty please? It's very strange to have Espio and Charmy at launch but not Vector especially when Vector's factually the best member of the Chaotix.

Having Carol but not Lilac or Milla is peculiar. Same with having Gum but not Beat.

If you guys want suggestions for meme characters in the same vein as Maria, I recommend the GUN Soldier that shot Maria, the GUN Commander/Olive Garden guy, the President, and Zavok (Why Zavok? Because he sucks and he's boring. He's basically the Morbius of Sonic characters.)
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I was setting up a PC for a friend who was going to use it as a main room, local coop party PC. I was pretty excited to learn a new game was out after SRB2K. I installed it and played the tutorial to test it to make sure it was working. Unfortunately, I immediately knew there was no way it would fit in with the setup so I deleted it and installed SRB2K instead. it felt like it would be very frustrating and confusing to play and didn't have the instant pickup and play fun that everyone understands from the originals

the only suggestion I would suggest is 2 builds, the "advanced" one which is the one that exists now, and a simple one that simplifies the game significantly. I have no idea how feasible that is if tracks require a lot of the new advanced stuff, but really it is the only suggestion I can possibly think of

I signed up to say this mainly because I really do appreciate all the work that goes into these types of projects and really do want to see every project like this succeed
I was setting up a PC for a friend who was going to use it as a main room, local coop party PC. I was pretty excited to learn a new game was out after SRB2K. I installed it and played the tutorial to test it to make sure it was working. Unfortunately, I immediately knew there was no way it would fit in with the setup so I deleted it and installed SRB2K instead. it felt like it would be very frustrating and confusing to play and didn't have the instant pickup and play fun that everyone understands from the originals

the only suggestion I would suggest is 2 builds, the "advanced" one which is the one that exists now, and a simple one that simplifies the game significantly. I have no idea how feasible that is if tracks require a lot of the new advanced stuff, but really it is the only suggestion I can possibly think of

I signed up to say this mainly because I really do appreciate all the work that goes into these types of projects and really do want to see every project like this succeed
This would never happen but you’re welcome to put your vision into action as a mod
I was setting up a PC for a friend who was going to use it as a main room, local coop party PC. I was pretty excited to learn a new game was out after SRB2K. I installed it and played the tutorial to test it to make sure it was working. Unfortunately, I immediately knew there was no way it would fit in with the setup so I deleted it and installed SRB2K instead. it felt like it would be very frustrating and confusing to play and didn't have the instant pickup and play fun that everyone understands from the originals

the only suggestion I would suggest is 2 builds, the "advanced" one which is the one that exists now, and a simple one that simplifies the game significantly. I have no idea how feasible that is if tracks require a lot of the new advanced stuff, but really it is the only suggestion I can possibly think of

I signed up to say this mainly because I really do appreciate all the work that goes into these types of projects and really do want to see every project like this succeed
Kart is basically the simplified version you're looking for.

Although that being said, despite the fact that V1 isn't supposed to be receiving any more new updates, I think one that at least adds proper UDMF support would be nice. I think the improved mapping tools are a real boon and shouldn't be reserved to just Ring Racers, though I'm aware that might be asking a lot.
Please re-add the color profile settings from vanilla SRB2 to the Options or Accessibility menu. The console variables for them still exist and still function in Ring Racers, and they may help people with colorblindness if they're made available in an actual menu. (I'm not colorblind myself, but I saw someone on Discord who said they were red/green colorblind and were struggling to distinguish between walls and background objects in Chrome Gadget.)
A visual/audio cue for some hazards that come from out of the ground/wall (The flame jets in Virtual Highway, the spears in Lavender Shrine) in order to give players a fair warning as to when these hazards are about to emerge.

Edit: Upon further inspection, the wall spears do have a visual cue at least. However, it isn't noticeable from a distance, especially in smaller resolutions like 640x400(which is the most my cruddy desktop can handle of this game performance-wise), or split-screen.
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Let S_SKIN and P_SKIN lumps define Lua properties for skins, the same way that maps can have their own Lua properties defined.

The current practice for detecting skins for Lua interactions is to check the skin's name. This is more or less fine, but there are some issues that arise specifically because people only check the skin's name.
  • If two or more characters have the exact same skin name, all but one will be renamed. This breaks any existing name-based checks unless scripters specifically exclude trailing numbers, which is not a practice that anybody does, and will cause false positives if, say, you make "sonic06" and accidentally apply its custom Lua to normal "sonic".
  • During SRB2Kart's lifetime, characters with custom trick frames would occasionally butt heads with each other; if you make a new character right now, @Mindacos's custom trick script will not account for your new character, and you likely wouldn't do the same for them either.
Adding this would give characters a very unambiguous way to identify themselves for purposes such as Simpler AnimaL (e.g. Lua.simpler_id = "juniosonic"), custom Ironman logic (e.g. Lua.hide_ironman_box = True), etc., but also without needing to edit non-reusable scripts.
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some way to view every track and their respective cups all at once would be nice. something akin to the level select in classic sonic games, maybe? I'm not saying there needs to be any special gameplay interactions, just a way to help navigate the menus to see what cup a track is in or to locate it for match race. If I want to know what cup, let's say, Gust Planet is on, I have to scroll through every cup top to bottom one by one. Having the pictures scrolling by ALMOST alleviates this, but it stumbles at the finish line by having to Scroll By, because it doesnt show every track on screen at once. so you would then have to stare at every one for Several Seconds or go back and forth between them all juggling the offsets of when each track is on screen. This could all be alleviated by just having a big ol list you can pop up briefly, and maybe you can even click a cup/track (depending on mode) to skip right to what usually happens when you select it (depending on mode.) even having two lists, one per page, and leaving off the third page would be fine. just Something to prevent you from having to scroll through every single one manually
hello everyone! i'm colourblind (tritan). i complained about not having colourblindness settings on the discord, and was informed that they actually are in the game in the form of hue changes! so because of this, i tweaked some hue settings until i found stuff that worked for me! i would appreciate it if there were some kind of setting in game for colourblindness profiles for the three major types of colourblindness (protan, deutan, tritan) and would like to submit my own tritan colour palette for this.

mhue 20 (unchanged)
bhue 16 (unchanged)
chue 14 (previously 12)
ghue 12 (previously 8)
yhue 2 (previously 4)
rhue 0 (unchanged)
Part of me wants to actually try and create a custom build that 1) dials back the overall grand prix difficulty, 2) neuters the rivals and 3) turns off dynamic difficulty. Now, if only I had any experience with building anything made in C...

Seriously, it's galling that even on Intense doing consistently well early on just results in the difficulty being dialed up to basically impossible levels, with the rival being able to zoom ahead and with no chance of catchup if you mess up (or worse, someone else screws you over, which will inevitably happen because this is a kart racer) even once.
I was asking about Computer Opponents in Battle Mode earlier before this section of the forums were finished. I mean, I try to play online but I keep getting disconnected through no fault of my own. Hence why I am suggesting that idea. each difficulty level getting more sadistic to the point where if you are able to master the battle game against the AI, you can hold your own against actual players online.

Also, I would like for there to be additional rulesets for the races and battles as well as team races and team battles that would be the last thing I ask for. Even if a team of up to four players face off against "Skynet" if you know what I mean~
Part of me wants to actually try and create a custom build that 1) dials back the overall grand prix difficulty, 2) neuters the rivals and 3) turns off dynamic difficulty. Now, if only I had any experience with building anything made in C...

Seriously, it's galling that even on Intense doing consistently well early on just results in the difficulty being dialed up to basically impossible levels, with the rival being able to zoom ahead and with no chance of catchup if you mess up (or worse, someone else screws you over, which will inevitably happen because this is a kart racer) even once.
I've heard of a custom client called Ring Racers Noire that is supposedly highly toggleable with many of the game's new mechanics, have you tried looking into that to see if it has something similar?
I've heard of a custom client called Ring Racers Noire that is supposedly highly toggleable with many of the game's new mechanics, have you tried looking into that to see if it has something similar?
Oh, I'd certainly try it out and see for myself if that's the case... If I could find it. So far, no luck.
Part of me wants to actually try and create a custom build that 1) dials back the overall grand prix difficulty, 2) neuters the rivals and 3) turns off dynamic difficulty. Now, if only I had any experience with building anything made in C...

Seriously, it's galling that even on Intense doing consistently well early on just results in the difficulty being dialed up to basically impossible levels, with the rival being able to zoom ahead and with no chance of catchup if you mess up (or worse, someone else screws you over, which will inevitably happen because this is a kart racer) even once.
I definitely agree. While I'd certainly want these changes or options in the official version, I'd really appreciate a build or mod like this!

As of now, I've stopped playing the game, unfortunately :( I love unlocking new tracks and I REALLY want to keep enjoying the local campaign...but it's just too frustrating.
After about an hour, I'm like, "Wow, I'm so angry now, it's actually not worth it to play more of this game today."

A few simple changes would breathe so much life. There are SO many good things about DRRR, from lovely tracks, to great music, to an exciting sense of adventure. I desperately want the game to LET me enjoy it.

It's also a tough sell to share the game with others (especially in local play), and I feel that it really shouldn't be that way. Relaxed mode has issues + Intense is too punishing = Everyone gets really confused and angry...not fun!