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SRB2 2006 Level pack REMASTERED!


new PFP by Aquavine, thanks bud!
(im actually going to try to keep this thread alive this time since i have a clearer vision on what i want this project to be)

so me and my sister has been playing the SRB2 06 level pack for awhile and we love it, but when you love something and you experience it enough you start to notice some problems you have with it. why isnt there any global color maps? why does this part of the level have to be so slow and clunky? i feel like there should be shadows here. where did the glow in this water go? didnt they say they were going to make the goal ring mod work with this? well since the original porter isnt going to do anything about these (since ya know they're banned idk for what reason) ive decided to actually try to make these updates myself since it says open assets so i think im good to do this. at first it started as adding colormaps to levels and removing mandatory spin gaps and adding more ways to back track but ive now wanted to do more like replace parts of levels that stunk with more interesting sections and maybe touch up the visuals a bit. here are the updates ive made so far.

Wave Ocean.
made the water prettier so far. i want to make some of the arches in the level with slopes so they look nicer and maybe do that thing i did with emerald coast to the rooves of those turn sections on the boardwalks.


Dusty Desert.
added the color map i talked about and the heat wave effect so it feels hot and... dusty i guess. i also changed the ball pushing puzzle with ball ROLLING puzzles instead since i think its more fun. i would like to touch up the visuals of this one too mainly in the temple section i feel like it could use some more stuff maybe idk. just assume going forward i wanna touch up the visuals in every level so i dont have to repeat this.

White Acropolis
all ive done so far is add the color map and those back tracking things ive mentioned. i did changed the breakable ice at the very end to be broken upon touch since you are thrown at it in a spinball but it doesnt work with every character so its fine.

Crisis City
same was White Acropolis, just a color map and back tracking but i do want to change to two paths at the first path split to be more interesting and faster. i would like to change the right side to not use bobbing platforms since it messes up your jump if you use a character with a second jump action. it makes your second jump action unusable if you jump from the platform as its going up so i wanna change them to just standard moving platforms. the lava will move with them so it will still look like the lava is carrying them. idk what to do about the left path other than remove that scaffolding setup its so slow to platform up.

Flame Core.
you know the drill. i shouldve said earlier that ive only just started making big level edits so yeah the first two levels are going to have more interesting stuff and more screenshots. im just writing this as i go so oh well! not sure what i want to do with this level other than fix some of the back tracking paths they look too intrusive to me. oh yeah i did make the lava glow in the dark section so its a little easier to see the shape of the platforms and know what not to touch... the lava dont touch that its hot.

Radical Train.
finally going to show ya that backtracking thing ive been talking about since i didnt do much yet. basically if theres a one way door its now a two way door and if you enter the area in a more odd way ive made a new door or just spring you back up. in this case i made a new door that leads you out of that tunnel. you cant go back through the tunnel you have to enter the train again but ye! i did this mostly for Takis cause i was a bit hyper fixated on him for a bit and i loved beating as many levels as i could with him but with this level pack its almost impossible without ways to actually go back so ye!

Tropical Jungle.
i do want to change the colorpalette i first gave this i think its too much of a cooler color i think i want it to be a little warmer but not too warm just something that makes it look less blue i guess.

Kingdom Valley.
ok i did actually do more with this stage so i added a unused rain effect in the last portion of the level i found. it now activates when you run into that area and deactivates when you leave. idk if it was in the og level pack and it was just removed in the port but i think its fine to add back in. i also added back the glowing water since i thought that was cool until SRB2 updated and broke it (seriously theres so many levels with glowing stuff that is now just broken now like the lava in Tortured planet I MISS THE GLOWING LAVA BRING IT BACK!)
(omg the color palette in these gifs looks terrible i swear thats not what they look like in game! at least in openGL. i also still dont know why i cant insert gif's normally and have to use links instead)

Aquatic Base.
so far i added back this unused sky box i found. thought it worked well with the windows at the beginning. i think i want to add more windows so you can see it more.

i would like to finish this and hopefully post it as a addon on here so im not the only one enjoying the changes. i did read the rules a few times but i may be stupid or i skimmed through it but i couldnt find anything about posting other peoples level packs with edits if you cant ask the og uploader either because they're banned or because the og og creator is unknown on where they are. so i kinda hope you guys can tell me if its ok to make something like this and post it. i shared some screenshots when i was just making colormap edits to the discord and they said its ok to make but it was kinda vague if i could post it as a mod at least to me. i do know that im going to work on one map at a time starting with Wave ocean. as i said im going to be touching up the visuals more so hopefully that goes well. im not going to work on this all the time im just going to work on it when i have nothing better to do or i feel like it so theres probably not going to be constant updates but that doesnt mean im making it go on hiatus like i did with the other threads (sorry about those btw i would like to come back to them someday though) i do want to keep working on this its kinda fun getting to touch up a map pack i love (and also seeing how messy some of the levels were made behind the scenes though actually that parts a little annoying) and i am learning alot. it does suck that i have to use Zone builder instead of ultimate i know about converting levels to UDMF but ive heard there can also be some problems with doing that and i dont want to deal with that so i rather just stick with zone builder even if its not as cool as ultimate zone builder. anyway i think its time to wrap this first message up ive been blabbering alot. i hope y'all enjoy this and i hope im not breaking any rules im sorry if i am ill stop if so im just really bad at reading. k bye!


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Looks pretty interesting and would make this level pack a better experience
Keep up the good work!
With the original author of this pack banned from the forum, it would be great to see a remastered version of this (utilizing all of the latest mapping tools and tech.) make an appearance.

Everything looks good so far but be reminded of the fact that OpenGL only supports a subset of what the Software renderer can do now, so some effects might be more difficult if 1-to-1 compatibility is needed.
i have renamed the project to 06 level pack remastered because someone reminded me that word exists and it fits the project better than edits i think. also it just sounds cooler.
Post automatically merged:

alright im back with another update! im tackling these levels one at a time so its easier on me so ive started the bigger changes on Wave Ocean. i dont think im going to do much level design changes with this level its a pretty good first level theres no sections i dont really like so i think its just going to be visual improvements for now.

ive added alot more slopes to the main playing area but also the background stuff to give it more shape.

ive made all breakable boxes break into wood particles. this will be applied to every level with breakable boxes going forward.

ive added a grass mid texture to everywhere theres grass of course.

im also wanting to add shadows to places i feel that could need them. mostly tall somewhat enclosed areas not only does it look cool but i think it helps give it depth.

made this area smoother while still being a little bumpy.

same with this area except this area didnt have slopes at all at first just bumpy stairs so now they're slopes!

improved this waterfall area alot i think. i added ambient sounds and now the water actually carrys you away if you enter it. dont go splashing in running water. but where is it coming from???

thats pretty much all ive done for now. i havent really started on the mach speed section yet im not sure what i want to do with that one besides do the usual add grass midtexture and add more slopes to background walls but i kinda wanna do more idk maybe ill think about it after i do those things i just said. im kinda surprised by all the positive reception this has gotten so i guess i am allowed to do this thank god i didnt want to wake up to a ban or something. thank you all for the kind words and ye k bye!


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hey sorry its been a bit but im back with some more changes to Wave ocean. specifically the mach run section since i didnt get to that last update.

i gave it the ol' "make outer walls less straight" treatment and added little stands to the arrow signs cause idk i thought they were cool. i also rounded out the final tunnel as much as i could with the rocks causing a few issues but i did it!

i spiced up the goal area a bit with the same outer wall thing and a extra platform for the sign to sit on all proud like.

and i think thats it for Wave ocean, not much has change level design wise but doing these visual changes goes a long way i think. next i will continue on dusty desert, not sure what i could do visual wise but i will work on the new ball puzzles some more of course. k bye!
alright im back with some updates for Dusty desert.

i havent done too much yet, maybe ill do alot more but i did pretty much the same things i did with Wave ocean but there is one big change near the end that ive talked about before but ill go over it again but for now.

i added more slopes of course to very up the terrain and make it look less flat.

i also made all torches have the corona effect cause its cool.

and now onto the big changes. i replaced all previous push ball puzzles with new Rollout rock puzzles!

these hopefully eliminate the boringness the old puzzles had i mean i think they are less boring at least theres a bit of a challenge now.
this may be a bit of a spoiler but i also entirely replaced the Emerald vault room with a rollout rock puzzle to tie the theming together.

i do wanna replace the ball sprites with my own sprites that actually rotate.
heres a test render i did. i dont have the actual ball models so i had to use the original sprite and wrap it around a sphere but i think it works! i just gotta figure out how to deal with all these rotations my god theres so many.

anyways i also spiced up the goal room, this might be a reoccurring theme with how the goal rooms always look so bland to me.

thats it for dusty desert for now, either i do some more changes to this level or i move onto the boss for this zone or i go straight to White acropolis. whatever happens ill try my best to make it the best i can. alright k bye!


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So far I like the changes you're applying! Makes the levels feel less "blocky" and flow better already.

Considering this is probably the only foreseeable chance I'll have to mention this, I do wanna ask something:
Will you entirely (or at least mostly) remove those forsaken, small, black spike balls the original pack had? I honestly grew to overly dislike those because of how much the level pack used them.
It's probably my biggest issue with the original level pack, aside from non-spin characters being unable to beat White Acropolis and Flame Core (Speaking of, hope you can change that as well!)

Keep up the good work, I really hope this one gets finished! :wonderful:
So far I like the changes you're applying! Makes the levels feel less "blocky" and flow better already.

Considering this is probably the only foreseeable chance I'll have to mention this, I do wanna ask something:
Will you entirely (or at least mostly) remove those forsaken, small, black spike balls the original pack had? I honestly grew to overly dislike those because of how much the level pack used them.
It's probably my biggest issue with the original level pack, aside from non-spin characters being unable to beat White Acropolis and Flame Core (Speaking of, hope you can change that as well!)

Keep up the good work, I really hope this one gets finished! :wonderful:
(that spin gap thing was one of the first changes i addressed and now they are all automatic doors. not really a point for the spin gaps if they force you with the boosters anyway so not much of a loss. also Gamma can beat the all the levels now, i should make custom times for him too) honestly i havent really been liking how the spike balls look. yeah they are used alot but they also look a little strange just floating and not really matching with all level themes. i will try to remove them and maybe replace them with something else, something more fitting for each level. i do know i wanna remove some entirely since they are unnecessary i feel. i did have an idea to change the ones on the bars in wave ocean that i forgot about until you reminded me so ill get on that at some point thanks!
i was wanting to include a bit of White acropolis in this update but if i wanna update it i need some opinions on the new spike balls. based off a message from someone and my own eye for detail i wanna remove all the tiny spikeballs and either replace them with something else or just remove them outright if i feel they are unnecessary.
ive gone back to Wave ocean to test my ideas on how to replace them so, the ones on polls are now smashing spikeballs.

i even added a new one to the mach run segment.

speaking of the mach run segment, all spikeballs have been replaced by big spikeballs. they look nicer and you can actually see them but these are the ones i want opinions on. they can still be jumped over but what do you guys think? should they be kept or do i need to rethink them?

thats all for now. thanks for all the kind words and feedback, k bye!


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Hey There, Not Sure If This Was A Problem In The Original, But I Found This Playing The Old Port.
In White Acropolis There's An Off Centered Texture On One Of The Iron Boxes During The Snow Board Section. (At The Top Part)
I Don't Know Why Only This Texture Is Off Center. But If You Can, Please Fix It.


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alright since i havent felt like working on White acropolis because of ALL the canyon walls i have to slope up (why did i slope the previous walls? now i have to keep that up for EVERY canyon wall in the pack) and because i still feel like im probably not doing a good job at "remastering" this i thought i'd make a video showing gameplay of Wave ocean to get some opinions and such since i dont think screenshots and short gifs do it justice. not sure if i should make the video public or not but for now its unlisted so its still watchable here. oh one more thing, forgive my poor Adventure Sonic gameplay im a bit rusty on him ever since X Sonic released and completely took over my main spot but i thought i'd do the gameplay with him since he doesnt make the level over in 3 seconds.
hey, i have a question

will the stages have the music from the get go or will we have to use the dreaded 06 music pack like we already have to?
hey whos the remaster maker person here?
hey, i have a question

will the stages have the music from the get go or will we have to use the dreaded 06 music pack like we already have to?
anyway yeah since the message board file size limit has been upped, the music pack has been fused with the level pack! no more loading 2 files! it was one of the first things i did actually.
alright since i havent felt like working on White acropolis because of ALL the canyon walls i have to slope up (why did i slope the previous walls? now i have to keep that up for EVERY canyon wall in the pack) and because i still feel like im probably not doing a good job at "remastering" this i thought i'd make a video showing gameplay of Wave ocean to get some opinions and such since i dont think screenshots and short gifs do it justice. not sure if i should make the video public or not but for now its unlisted so its still watchable here. oh one more thing, forgive my poor Adventure Sonic gameplay im a bit rusty on him ever since X Sonic released and completely took over my main spot but i thought i'd do the gameplay with him since he doesnt make the level over in 3 seconds.
I need to know the tip-topping addon you used here. It’s an ear-candy especialy after spindashing. I also haven’t played the original map pack yet but I can tell that it looks way better now.

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