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    • ZCREATES replied to the thread SRB2 2.
      So I ran into a problem where metal sonic 2 just stops following the special stage path randomly it's not even predetermined where it...
    • ZCREATES replied to the thread [Open Assets] Junio Sonic.
      That never happened to me so it's probably a problem exclusive to you it's potentially some weird game or device settings thing
    • ZCREATES replied to the thread [Open Assets] Junio Sonic.
      I created my account the day after downloading srb2 and this mod
    • ZCREATES replied to the thread [Open Assets] Junio Sonic.
      Thanks for telling me that. I legitimately didn't know (I'm new srb2 and this mod)
    • ZCREATES replied to the thread [Open Assets] Junio Sonic.
      Hey I'm here to report a problem that I ran into while using this mod during the second act of deep sea zone you will get softlocked if...
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