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    • Worm replied to the thread Suggestions.
      Ah I see the issue here. Or not issue but ya know. We seem to have different philosophies about, like, the nature of games. I judge...
    • I'd say the main two for the vanilla cast are "speed" and "mobility." The first category is comprised of sonic and metal sonic, while...
    • Worm replied to the thread Suggestions.
      Naw I stand by what I said. Progression is just another facet of the game, and if people wanna bypass it too, why not. There's nothing...
    • Worm replied to the thread Suggestions.
      The devs can control how people play their games because they're the ones making it. It's their prerogative. That being said, just...
    • Worm replied to the thread Suggestions.
      ay that makes sense. I’ve never really noticed, but also I’ve probably played more SRB2 than any of the classic sonic games at this...
    • Worm replied to the thread Suggestions.
      Idk what people mean when they talk about” momentum.” I assume they mean changing how the speed cap works, a la Xmomentum, but SRB2 is...
    • "pmomz" is a variable of the mobj userdata structure that holds the z velocity of the moving floor the object is on (or zero otherwise)...
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