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    • wired-aunt submitted a new resource: Katamari mode - We Love Katamari Read more about this resource...
    • wired-aunt created the resource [Open Assets] Katamari mode in Lua.
      This mod replaces the classic rings system with the things system! Pick up everything in the level and build a shield around yourself as...
      • katamari.gif
      • damage.gif
      • shedding.gif
    • wired-aunt reacted to GreenKnight9000's resource Multilingual HUD with Cool! Cool!.
      If you ever wanted to have a bit of multilingual flare to your game, then you've come to the right place! The Multilingual HUD Project...
    • wired-aunt reacted to GreenKnight9000's update for resource Multilingual HUD with Cool! Cool!.
      Hello Everyone! This one's pretty amazing! First of all, I've added Irish to the list of languages you can play with! How lucky...
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