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    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      Again pls just go back a few pages
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      Memory slots are literally just saving multiple movesets and interchanging them. It’s accessed through the menu
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      You know, sometimes I feel like people don’t read 1733788957 Oh wait nvm the doc with the moveset got deleted. Lemme just explain it rn...
      • srb20255.gif
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      Also ik dis is digging up smthn old but dis is literally just a worse metal anyone
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      Ty bruh. Also dis man joined today and all he’s done is ask when a mod is done. Bros the online equivalent of a dude begging for spare...
    • SONIcsez1234 reacted to LeoTheHedgehog12's post in the thread Emerl SRB2 with Cool! Cool!.
      Dude, don't be impatient. @SONIcsez1234 is probably hard at work right now. It'll be done when it's done™️
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      That doesn’t change anything my guy
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      But since u grinding for emerl content have dis 1733526602 No u reposted someone’s mod an gamebanana (u cant do that)
      • Sprite-0008.gif
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      Bro I saw this mans page on WS a while ago and all of its stolen. But legit tho just report him 1733526504 Also there’s a surprising...
    • SONIcsez1234 replied to the thread Emerl SRB2.
      Not to undermine Roach he did help a lot but I work flow was I make smthn he edits it 1730407904 Not that I don’t appreciate the help...
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