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    • smoklyre reacted to El-fire's post in the thread SRB2 2006 Level pack REMASTERED! with Cool! Cool!.
      alright im back with some updates for Dusty desert. i havent done too much yet, maybe ill do alot more but i did pretty much the same...
    • smoklyre replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      but i want them to just go forwards:knuxsmug: updash -new sections -erm, cez preparation? unfinished but its there btw, as im...
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    • kinda late. but heres your proof
    • smoklyre replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      hey sorry for disappearing without updates for a bit, life has thrown another haymaker against my skull and made it shatter into a...
    • smoklyre reacted to Angelo0290's post in the thread Quick Time Events! with Cool! Cool!.
      Hi! This thread is to showcase this mod and post updates before the final release. Just like the title says, Quick Time Events! So far...
    • smoklyre replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      hes up where -didnt felt like working on the mod yesterday, sorry -new sections
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    • smoklyre replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      isn't rocket boost technically just boost except it lets sonic be about 1.2x faster and lets him barrel through enemies like in the...
    • smoklyre replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      find the seven chaos emeralds eggman statues.............:welcometoreleases:
    • smoklyre replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      thanks? i wouldn't say this is a pretty good style, theres many flaws im having trouble squashing like how i suck at making platforming...
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    • smoklyre replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      for main campaign? definitely not, you'll just be hitting walls and giving sonic a concussion
    • smoklyre replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      eh, i thought it was a neat way to tell the player to steer better while not being so punishing, its kind of just aesthetic to me tbh...
    • smoklyre replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      the wall reactions from the wii version of unleashed
    • smoklyre replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      with just max ringspeed i think he can maybe keep up with sms (though i hope there would be an option to disable ringspeed or adjust...
    • smoklyre replied to the thread SRB2: Generations.
      just watched ultraman rising, it was a very good movie :wonderful: -new sections for thz -the goo water is now accurate
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    • smoklyre replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      well yeah, its an option in v5 i dont see any reason why they wouldnt keep it to v6
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