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    • ShoukerX reacted to DaJumpJump's resource Hakune the Lynx with Cool! Cool!.
    • ShoukerX reacted to light dasher's resource Trip the Sungazer with Cool! Cool!.
      Trip is a sweet little lizard who'll do her best for her friends. Basic abilities: DOUBLE JUMP A simple but integral ability...
    • ShoukerX reacted to MasterDisaster64's resource [Open Assets] Air Options with Cool! Cool!.
      Quality-of-life improvements to the aerial controls, backported from the Sonic Adventure games. No more "roll jump"! Jumping out of a...
    • ShoukerX reacted to Snu's resource [Open Assets] Classic-inspired Spindash with Cool! Cool!.
      This mod changes how spindash charging functions to be more akin to the classic games. Instead of charging up automatically over time...
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