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    • SeanTG246 replied to the thread sans..
      unsure about morgana, but monokuma is being worked on right now (which is taking me a bit thanks to how tedious the asymmetrical angles...
    • SeanTG246 replied to the thread sans..
      SeanTG246 updated sans. with a new update entry: v1.1 - the 2 pixel update Read the rest of this update entry...
    • SeanTG246 updated the resource sans. with v1.1 - the 2 pixel update.
      edited like 2 pixels on the smile for the a2a8 head angles thats it thats the update
      • 2px.png
    • SeanTG246 posted the thread sans. in Ring Racers Characters.
      SeanTG246 submitted a new resource: sans. - cya on the tracks, kid. Read more about this resource...
    • SeanTG246 created the resource sans. in Ring Racers Characters.
      Sans from UNDERTALE comes onto the tracks of Ring Racers during one of his breaks, sporting the same stats that he did back in SRB2Kart...
      • ringracers0002.gif
      • ringracers0000.png
      • ringracers0002.png
      • stats.png
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