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    • Samuelrizzisonic replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      Maybe the updates will still going but since the owner is on the break he's doing fixes I wonder how those fixes are founded?
    • Samuelrizzisonic replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      Never tried the 3D model on it
    • Samuelrizzisonic replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      Man idk why the command of boxtally thingy doesn't save Maybe they didn't added yet (only for the future maybe?????)
    • Samuelrizzisonic replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      Oh man :( btw im sorry I was getting ideas so I would request some since my fav char got into this game im happy I didn't know you have...
    • Samuelrizzisonic replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      Crash can do the classic dance he makes when he finish the level and beat the boss 1727310494 Like this one im talking about:
      • 1000020478.gif
    • Samuelrizzisonic replied to the thread Crash Bandicoot.
      I think we need 2 more transformation for the crash 1727209777 I know 2 of them 1727209888 1 is the swim suit just like in crash warped...
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