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    • River reacted to Mr.CRUNCHYPickles's post in the thread Speedrun help please? with Cool! Cool!.
      Welp, I'm playing SRB2 right now as X Sonic, so wish me luck on trying to perfect speedruns as him! Peace!
    • River replied to the thread Speedrun help please?.
      i dont have much X Sonic tips, sorry. he is pretty much way too simple of how to speedrun to explain lmao
    • River replied to the thread Speedrun help please?.
      There isnt such things as "TRUE speedrun." You can do speedruns the way you want, and if getting a nice record with an addon character...
    • River replied to the thread Speedrun help please?.
      Depends of the character If you use Sonic, very recommendable that you literally just need to Thok wisely, per example you can use sort...
    • River reacted to Golden Shine's post in the thread Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) with Cool! Cool!.
      I'm not sure SRB2 could handle that many polygons, but if it could, then I suppose it's possible to get rigged for SRB2 purposes! It's...
    • River reacted to El-fire's post in the thread SRB2 2006 Level pack REMASTERED! with Cool! Cool!.
      sorry for the inconsistent updates but imma let y'all know im now going to wait for the rails mod to release before i do big level...
    • River replied to the thread SRB2 2006 Level pack REMASTERED!.
      We need it! It looks so peak, i think it would fit on 2006!
    • River reacted to Emmette_Clyde's resource Crash Bandicoot with Cool! Cool!.
      Everyone's favorite N-Sane bandicoot has made his way into SRB2! One day, Crash Bandicoot was relaxing on the beach doing what he does...
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