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    • Red2010 replied to the thread SRB2 PSX.
      Doom can run on anything with a screen these days SRB2 Requires additional system requirements to work well (although it has its ports...
    • Red2010 replied to the thread SRB2 Christmas version 0.90.
      With the discovery of the xmas 0.90 .wad files we can say that the search is over. Although the original .exe still does not appear...
    • Red2010 replied to the thread SRB2Kart.
      I will give my opinion on DRRR Here, I will try not to address so much in terms of spoilers (if they have not already been spoiled)...
    • with Glaber's ban, well... Someone will have to maintain their mod as eventually Srb2 patches/updates will break the code used by this...
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