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    • nst211 reacted to Diggle's resource [Open Assets] New Nico's Smile Zone with Cool! Cool!.
      i have never engaged with a single piece of love live media and i hate nico yazawa this is a remake / port of Brainlessdude's Nico's...
    • Introducing C.T.A.P! (Pronounced see-tap, or si-tappu) A collection of levels I've put together for your SRB2 kart racing pleasure...
    • nst211 reacted to CrayFray's resource [Open Assets] McPig Character Collection with Cool! Cool!.
      This is a character pack containing 6 characters drawn by McPig specifically for Ring Racers. Enjoy the fruits of the mans labour...
    • nst211 reacted to SuperChrim's resource SuperChrim's Touhou Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      All my custom Touhou girls have been updated for Ring Racers and combined into one pack! What youkai doesn't like to cause a little fun...
    • nst211 reacted to Saturn Ross's resource Saturn's Kart Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Hey, glad to see you here! This character pack has been a long time coming for me, and contains a nice variety of characters from...
    • nst211 reacted to KellyGoblin's resource KelChars with Cool! Cool!.
      Welcome to KelChars! A collection of SRB2Kart racers that I've created, containing characters from various pieces of media. More...
    • nst211 reacted to MaxiP.'s resource Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga joins SRB2Kart!!1! with Cool! Cool!.
      From the renowned, loved and memed to death relic of an anime, Azumanga Daioh: Comin' right out of high school, Ayumu Kasuga!! Or...
    • nst211 reacted to SuperChrim's resource Nue Houjuu with Cool! Cool!.
      Nue Houjuu from Touhou Project. She rides on top one of her UFOs. My first time making a kart character. It's been fun learning how this...
    • nst211 reacted to wheredacrowsat's resource Strong Bad with Cool! Cool!.
      Everybody, everybody! Strong Bad from Homestar Runner enters the SRB2K Race to the End of the Race! i couldn't find him anywhere so i...
    • nst211 reacted to SuperChrim's resource Rin Kaenbyou with Cool! Cool!.
      Orin the hell cat joins the race riding on her cat cart! What's causing it to move? Who knows haha! Voice clips taken from Touhou Lost Word.
    • nst211 reacted to Eli14R's resource [Open Assets] Sonic's Schoolhouse with Cool! Cool!.
      Credits: Floating Item Spawner by Ashnal: https://mb.srb2.org/addons/floating-item-spawner.3829/
    • nst211 reacted to SuperChrim's resource Komachi Onozuka with Cool! Cool!.
      Komachi has found a new way of slacking of from her duties as a shinigami. Racing! In some twist of sense, her boat drives on land and...
    • nst211 reacted to weneedtobuy749's resource [Open Assets] Indie Goobers Character Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Introducing the Indie Goobers Character Pack, featuring indie darlings such as: Annalynn - Spelunker of the Mines Speed: 7 Weight: 4...
    • nst211 reacted to MetalSonicDash's resource MSD Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      This is a pack of my favorite characters into one which people may be familiar or heard about. Credits to: Evil Sonic for making...
    • nst211 reacted to Fleskhjerta's resource Flesk's Chars Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Now gone from single character release, to a character pack. Introducing you to the Flesk Chars Pack! Feel free to get either the full...
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