MIlsam El Erizo

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    • MIlsam El Erizo replied to the thread SUGOI.
      All right, Is funny that The missing Emblem Is just that they forgot to erase a Vanilla Game Emblem xD. Anyway, maybe in a Future we...
      • srb20012.gif
    • MIlsam El Erizo replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Yeah, maybe they don't release a New update because The Heaven Level. When i was doing hackee things to try The Star Genesis Emblem...
    • MIlsam El Erizo replied to the thread SUGOI.
      No, other Person mencioned Here that is a missing Emblem that not is The Star Genesis or The Cosmic valley one
    • MIlsam El Erizo replied to the thread SUGOI.
      Ah, that's explain The Spring and Spindash Thing. Anyway, Thanks a Lot for that. (And i believing that find The emblems in Abadoned...
    • MIlsam El Erizo replied to the thread SUGOI.
      I Need Help with something. I was doing The Emblem Hunt but in one level (Streaming Towers Zone) There Is a Emblem that i can’t find. Is...
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