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    • MikeyTWolf reacted to ArcadeStriker's update for resource Grit Mountain with Cool! Cool!.
      i'm sorry V1.0.1 Changelog: Updated MUSICDEF to add authors of the tracks used Fixed the death pit FOF being tangible from below. This...
    • MikeyTWolf reacted to D00D64's resource [Open Assets] D00DPack Returns! - v1.1 with Cool! Cool!.
      -= D00D Pack Returns =- You can't keep a good pack down, DPack Returns! This pack currently includes 3 Race maps and 2 Battle maps! The...
    • MikeyTWolf reacted to WiiSound1's resource Crash Team Racing Pack - Nitro Cup Update! with Cool! Cool!.
      Crash Team Racing arrives at Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers! A pack containing two new cup, the Wumpa Cup and the Nitro Cup, including 8...
    • MikeyTWolf reviewed the resource Cliffside Caverns.
      3.00 star(s) Good start, will probably comment later when it gets played in a group some more. In the meanwhile, some more effort into scenery would...
    • MikeyTWolf reacted to achiiDev's resource Dawnstar Garden Zone with Cool! Cool!.
      Welcome to the Dawnstar Garden. My very first map for Ring Racer featuring a level with tons of nook and crannies for racers to sink...
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