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    • ManBuxz reacted to Rogerregorroger's resource [Open Assets] Sol Sestancia 2 with Cool! Cool!.
      Finally, after way too many years, we're back at the sun drenched island of Sol Sestancia 2. First, you were there for a quick tour...
    • ManBuxz reacted to WhisperVII's update for resource CDSonic (Whispon Edit) with Cool! Cool!.
      Not a significant update but just fixing a goofy bug that appeared when Classic Physics were added Fixed a bug where if you were...
    • ManBuxz reacted to WhisperVII's update for resource CDSonic (Whispon Edit) with Cool! Cool!.
      - Added super sprites of the "pipebomb" dance. - Fixed an issue where using the peelout with the "supersprites" addon would cause...
    • ManBuxz reacted to WhisperVII's resource CDSonic (Whispon Edit) with Cool! Cool!.
      Straight from Little Planet, CDSonic joins the crew! Before jumping into things, I would like to give a MASSIVE thank you to a few...
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