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    • JoshuaTeam500 reacted to Chengi's update for resource Chengi's Character Pack: Ring Racers Edition (V5) with Cool! Cool!.
      Updated to v5. Changelog: Added Primarina (Pokemon)
    • JoshuaTeam500 reacted to Team Combi-Rings's resource Combi-Rings Lock-On Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      The team got bored of making mods for Vanilla SRB2, so they came together to make a character pack for Ring Racers! Version 1...
    • JoshuaTeam500 reacted to DaJumpJump's resource [Open Assets] JUMPERPAK with Cool! Cool!.
      Included: 11 characters and 9 followers with some relation to each other Racers Earless Yuuko Aioi Spot KangaGunner (OC) Marie...
    • JoshuaTeam500 reacted to mitsame's resource girlpack with Cool! Cool!.
      GET THIS: THE MITPACK, BUT FOR RING RACERS Currently featuring: 19 characters, 23 followers, and 17 custom colors! JENOVA...
    • JoshuaTeam500 reacted to KellyGoblin's resource KelPack with Cool! Cool!.
      Welcome to KelPack! A continuation of KelChars! Here, you'll find a collection containing 15 characters, 18 followers, and 26 custom...
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