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    • Foxeh replied to the thread Foxeh's Silly Models.
      those were supposed to be placeholder textures, but I forgot to change them entirely and I can't bother doing such anymore since it's...
    • Foxeh replied to the thread Foxeh's Silly Models.
      Foxeh updated Foxeh's Silly Models with a new update entry: The (unfinished) Revamp. Read the rest of this update entry...
    • due to the unfortunate circumstances of my personal life, I am now going to place in the Revamp now with the only time I have with the...
      • these guys.png
    • Foxeh reviewed the resource AltSnick.
      5.00 star(s) now this is a quality snick if ive ever seen one
    • Foxeh reacted to Saxa2007's update for resource [Open Assets] Nick's Tower of Pizza Pack! with Cool! Cool!.
      Welcome to the new update! Here's what's added. - Added The Noise! - W.I.P Gustavo, can only be selected through Multiplayer. - New...
    • peak just dropped ntopp has evolved
    • Foxeh replied to the thread Foxeh's Silly Models.
      Foxeh updated Foxeh's Silly Models with a new update entry: revamp on the way! Read the rest of this update entry...
    • Foxeh updated the resource Foxeh's Silly Models with revamp on the way!.
      I've decided on planning a complete redo for these models so they look a little better of some sort, including takis, as this already...
      • taki hammer jump.gif
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