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    • Fiofoure reacted to DaJumpJump's update for resource Hakune the Lynx with Cool! Cool!.
      Thanks for 2,000 downloads! Here's a patch that cleans up a couple rough spots. V1.1 CHANGELOG: - Fixed bug where Hakune's 3DS would...
    • Fiofoure reacted to StarManiaKG's update for resource [Open Assets] The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd with Cool! Cool!.
      Hey guys, fixed some bugs here! I also added some cool new things too! Let's get into it quickly, shall we? CHANGELOG Game Changes...
    • Fiofoure reacted to Metalwario64's update for resource Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) with Cool! Cool!.
      Golden Shine posting! A few weeks ago, Metalwario64 just casually dropped his SA2 model for public use! Yes, the very same one you've...
    • Fiofoure reacted to JonBaxter's update for resource Tortured Planet with Cool! Cool!.
      That's right, this update will finally address Brak Eggman's Callous and Brutal Torture! We've decided there's no good reason to keep...
    • Fiofoure reacted to RalphJeremy65's update for resource Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with Cool! Cool!.
      I added a new "CL_Gemma-v3.1.2_Lite.pk3" build which is basically the normal file but with the SUGOI-specific sprites removed, for those...
    • Fiofoure reacted to Zeno's update for resource The CyberDime Realm (Virtual Simplicity) with Cool! Cool!.
      1.5.8 Changelog: Emblems! After so many years of putting off the idea of including them, they have finally been added to the mod and...
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