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    • The ways you've helped this game grow over the years is actually unreal, you more than deserve the retirement man. There's no shortage...
    • Fenriraga reacted to pastel's post in the thread Trip the Sungazer with Cool! Cool!.
      This one is a bug in SRB2 and occurs exclusively on RushChars end. Any sol form will have that happen, but thankfully 2.2.14 will fix...
    • Fenriraga replied to the thread Trip the Sungazer.
      So far the most consistent way I've found to do it is get yourself to do a skid animation 4 times in a short period of time. There might...
    • Fenriraga reacted to light dasher's update for resource Trip the Sungazer with Cool! Cool!.
      Hey all, it's been great seeing everyone enjoying Trip! We came across a handful of errors already, so let's patch those up. These...
    • Fenriraga reviewed the resource Trip the Sungazer.
      Trip? light dasher? Name a more iconic duo. Trip feels right at home in SRB2. Double Jumps, no matter how played out they are, are...
    • Fenriraga reviewed the resource Crash Bandicoot.
      A solid foundation that honestly needs more time in the oven. In terms of actual gameplay, it mostly feels pretty alright. Crash's base...
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