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    • Exmotable reviewed the resource [Open Assets] 3Sonic.
      4.00 star(s) My only two complaints would be that the gloat seems to cut off too early, and the sprites apparently lack a wheel shine in animation...
    • Exmotable reviewed the resource Rift Pack.
      5.00 star(s) Love the unique lookback everyone gets, in general these have a lot of personality and it's pretty great.
    • 4.00 star(s) Crash with an Aku Aku follower is the coolest thing and makes total sense. Only thing I'd recommend is not forcing the kart he rides in...
    • 5.00 star(s) Looks great! Fits in perfectly with the rest of the cast. I personally appreciate the usage of appropriate sound effects over a randomly...
    • Exmotable reviewed the resource girlpack.
      5.00 star(s) 0/10, only 2 girls in this girlpack. jk. this is quality stuff, love your work. big fan. super glad paper mario was ported and updated...
    • 5.00 star(s) Quality is top notch and I love the idea of squeezing reasonably sized characters into tiny little karts.
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