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    • chrisgorejr reacted to Jisk's update for resource [Open Assets] Pizza Time: Spice Runners!! with Cool! Cool!.
      2.1 is almost done! Like 99.99% finished. Stay tuned, as this will be another big update!
    • chrisgorejr reacted to Emmette_Clyde's resource Crash Bandicoot with Cool! Cool!.
      Everyone's favorite N-Sane bandicoot has made his way into SRB2! One day, Crash Bandicoot was relaxing on the beach doing what he does...
    • chrisgorejr reacted to RubyTheMii's update for resource Extra Life (Classic) with Cool! Cool!.
      Hey folks! Ruby here! Been a while, huh...? Sorry for the radio silence over here on the Message Board since the last update. First of...
    • chrisgorejr reacted to romoney5's resource [Open Assets] Air Acceleration with Cool! Cool!.
      Air Acceleration, as the name suggests, increases your acceleration in the air so it matches that of when you are on the ground! This...
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