Recent content by BlueSoD

  1. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair

    Alright, but who should I message? Just any online staff?
  2. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair

    The page is down for now because the update needs to be approved before it goes back up. Blame MB staff 🤷‍♂️
  3. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair - A Slammin' Update (V1.2.0)

    Hey, long time no see! Sorry, I got burnt out on SRB2 for a while and ended up putting down work Blue for a bit. Finally, here's Blue's 2.0 update. It adds a new move, Boost Slam, activated by hitting a wall while diving (or pressing Spin while diving), sending Blue straight down. It also...
  4. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair

    BlueSoD updated Lapis "Blue" Adair with a new update entry: A Slammin' Update (V1.2.0) Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair

    Yeah, I realized the tutorial music's looping was fucked not long after I uploaded him. I'll fix it in the next update.
  6. BlueSoD

    What changes do you want in 2.2.14?

    I REALLY want SRB2's OpenGL implementation to not flip 3D models. Most of my character designs are asymmetrical and it annoys me to no end.
  7. BlueSoD

    Regarding camera

    Press Center Camera a lot. That, or just get used to the way the camera works. Not much else you can do unfortunately.
  8. BlueSoD

    Do you guys think 3D models belong/look good in SRB2?

    I really think it's down to personal preference. Personally, I really models. From an objective standpoint they make precision platforming and stuff like that feel a lot better, since it's very clear where in 3D space your character is-- a 3D platformer benefits from 3D models, who knew? But...
  9. BlueSoD

    How to mod Music

    It's actually pretty easy. Y'know how to make a pk3 with SLADE, right? This wiki page should guide you. tl;dr: iirc all you really need to do is replace O_GOVER with a .ogg of your choice. Maybe a .mid too for D_GOVER if you plan on publishing it as a mod so MIDI nerds can enjoy it too.
  10. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair

    BlueSoD submitted a new resource: Lapis "Blue" Adair - A human character with powerful, satisfying movement abilities! Read more about this resource...
  11. BlueSoD

    Lapis "Blue" Adair 1.2.0

    Introducing Blue, the Dissonant Descendant! 📖 Overview Blue is a highly movement-based character with powerful skill in the right hands. Although a bit slower than most of the cast, and unable to spinjump, he makes up for it with an incredibly high jump, exponential acceleration, and extremely...