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    • BlakDragon reacted to WiiSound1's update for resource Crash Team Racing Pack - Crystal Cup Update! with Cool! Cool!.
      Hi everyone! I know it's been a while since I last update my CTR mod, been quite busy this past month but I finally got the time to...
    • BlakDragon reacted to Triangularity's resource Reflection Appendisc with Cool! Cool!.
      Reflection Appendisc is essentially my map collection, but with a fancy name. I think it has a nice ring to it. Disc 1 is the finalized...
    • Cool new map o: However it's missing the music credit
    • BlakDragon reacted to FrostBrush's update for resource FrostMaps (Ice Paradise Act 2 added!) with Cool! Cool!.
      Heya, it's update time! 3.0 update includes a Act 2 of Ice Paradise, which is based on my map that i created for SRB2Kart. The layout...
    • BlakDragon reacted to YochiThMaster's resource YTM's Pokemon Ring Racers Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      The "Ring Racers edition" of my previously released SRB2Kart pack. Pichu and Emolga were originally released individually in KKD Discord...
    • BlakDragon reacted to Begine9's resource The CD-I Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      Coming to Ring Racers, it's... We have three (for now) characters coming in hot, straight from that console you all know and love...
    • BlakDragon reacted to Stapy's update for resource Win Token Cup with Cool! Cool!.
      It's about time I finally release a brand new major version of the Win Token Cup! This major update introduced two brand new tracks as...
    • BlakDragon replied to the thread BlakPack for Followers.
      BlakDragon updated BlakPack for Followers with a new update entry: New follower added! Read the rest of this update entry...
    • To celebrate the release of my second character mod, I've brought Ash's staff to Ring Racers as a follower! She poses with it in her...
    • BlakDragon reacted to Quariumarts's resource Karisa The Water Fairy! [Update V2: New Hurt Animation!] with Cool! Cool!.
      Karisa Hyper Hydrates the race! While I'm more of a digital illustrator than a sprite artist, I really like this game and I wanted to...
    • BlakDragon reacted to Superstarxalien's resource How to make a follower pack with a custom category with Cool! Cool!.
      This guide was created for users of Followermaker to learn how to group several of their newly-created followers into a single PK3 file...
    • BlakDragon reacted to Galacticen's resource Disgaea Chars Redux! with Cool! Cool!.
      Returning from SRB2Kart are the Disgaea crew I commissioned thanks to Fabulousninji with some updated sprites. More racers not from...
    • BlakDragon reacted to SharkGuy's resource SharkGuy's Big Bias Bundle! with Cool! Cool!.
      I don't have much to say, this is just a pack of random characters THE FOLLOWERS THE SPRAY CANS EXTRA STUFF This mode...
    • BlakDragon reacted to WiiSound1's resource Crash Team Racing Pack - Crystal Cup Update! with Cool! Cool!.
      Crash Team Racing arrives at Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers! A pack containing three new cup, the Wumpa Cup, the Nitro Cup and the Crystal...
    • BlakDragon reacted to hollowbel's resource Sovereign + FOE (hollowbel's Etrian Odyssey pack) with Cool! Cool!.
      greetings, adventurers. are you likewise fans of atlus' cute dungeon crawler / storytelling series Etrian Odyssey? ...if you're not...
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