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    • Alpa reacted to RedBun's resource The Spongebob Squarepants Spongepack! with Cool! Cool!.
      ARE YOU READY, KIDS? Introducing the modpack centered around the absorbent sponge and his colorful friends, The Spongebob Squarepants...
    • Alpa reacted to YochiThMaster's resource YTM's Pokemon Ring Racers Pack with Cool! Cool!.
      The "Ring Racers edition" of my previously released SRB2Kart pack. Pichu and Emolga were originally released individually in KKD Discord...
    • Alpa reacted to Diggle's resource Diggle's Track Delve with Cool! Cool!.
      Diggle's Track Delve a digpack continuation credits
    • Alpa reacted to ArtoMeister's resource How to make your own Ring Racer with Cool! Cool!.
      Greetings, I'm ArtoMeister, and I've been making various characters for Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers ever since Kart Krew allowed us to...
    • Alpa reacted to GavBSS's update for resource Dyna Brothers 2 Pack - Racers and Followers! with Cool! Cool!.
      Followers are now included as part of the main pack. Added Tyranno as a racer. Added the following followers: Namejiro, Ninpo-kun.
    • Alpa reacted to RedDasherCAS's resource CAS Track Pak- The TwinBee Update! with Cool! Cool!.
      I have officially relaunched my addon, and now rebranded in a dedicated cup! Ever since the release of Breezy Village, I felt like I...
    • Alpa reacted to FrostBrush's resource Frostbrush's Character Pack (NEW: Klonoa (Lunatea's Veil)) with Cool! Cool!.
      FROSTBRUSH'S CHARACTER PACK This pack features many of my favorite characters from video games or my own OC's that i decided to make...
    • Alpa reacted to Abstract's resource AbstractMaps (Press Garden 2 and more!) with Cool! Cool!.
      AbstractMaps is a new map pack showcasing my progress in making maps for Dr.Robotnik's Ring Racers. Many of these tracks will be based...
    • Alpa reviewed the resource girlpack.
      This is an awesome and high quality pack. I just wish there was a lua less version of tanook mario for online play.
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