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    • AlanGab2009 replied to the thread Super Form Auras.
      Well, I edited it, but since I added a link to a source (on the Credits section) and replaced one image, it went back to the approval...
    • AlanGab2009 replied to the thread Super Form Auras.
      AlanGab2009 updated Super Form Auras with a new update entry: v3 update Read the rest of this update entry...
    • SRB2 version: 2.2.13 Okay, so, I was developing a new version of my "Super Form Auras" addon. However, while I was testing it, I got...
      • srb20008.gif
    • AlanGab2009 reacted to Mathos's post in the thread Super Form Auras with Cool! Cool!.
      that sounds pretty good to me
    • AlanGab2009 replied to the thread Super Form Auras.
      Alright, I have a question for you people regarding the next release. I may have already asked this in the SRB2 Discord server, but I'm...
    • AlanGab2009 replied to the thread Super Form Auras.
      If you only want to have SSJ2's electric sparkles, just switch the aura's style to "ssj2" and then set the aura's opacity to 0%...
    • AlanGab2009 replied to the thread Super Form Auras.
      AlanGab2009 updated Super Form Auras with a new update entry: v2.1 update Read the rest of this update entry...
    • AlanGab2009 reacted to Dark94's post in the thread Question about mod update versioning with Cool! Cool!.
      Generally, versions use 3 digits: [major version].[minor version].[hotfix version] Example: 1.9.4 Increase hotfix version if you...
    • I'm having some doubts about versioning. So uh, how do you people know which digit of your mod's version you have to increment in each...
    • AlanGab2009 reacted to light dasher's resource Trip the Sungazer with Cool! Cool!.
      Trip is a sweet little lizard who'll do her best for her friends. Basic abilities: DOUBLE JUMP A simple but integral ability...
    • AlanGab2009 reacted to Pyrakid Wolfo's resource [Open Assets] New Thok with Cool! Cool!.
      THE NEW THOK: The New Thok is a new ability attempting to polish the base game's Thok, having some new radical visual effects, and some...
    • I think that someone has already made an addon doing that exact thing you said...
    • AlanGab2009 replied to the thread Super Form Auras.
      AlanGab2009 updated Super Form Auras with a new update entry: v2 update Read the rest of this update entry...
    • I believe that generative AI needs to be fixed. I saw some articles saying that generative AI consumes a lot of energy to work and a lot...
    • AlanGab2009 posted the thread Super Form Auras in Lua.
      AlanGab2009 submitted a new resource: Super Form Auras - Makes super forms cooler! Read more about this resource...
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